Chapter sixteen

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He really thought I was a dick to everyone? That really shocked me the most. "That doesn't make sense, though...-."He cut me off, annoyed. "I want to keep this up as long as I can.... besides, it might be interesting to see Francis will get heartbroken by you. He deserves it anyway for all the mockings he gave me" Yao looked at me angrily. "The best part is..... the unrequited feelings will get pushed off....and he will see what an asshole you can be" Yao smirked at his plan as I made a disgusted face.

"That won't happen..."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because Francis does not have unrequited feelings."
"Oh really? So you feel the same way?"
"What? No, I mean he doesn't have them because he does not feel that way toward me," I explained, and he started to laugh. "This will be good hehe, by the way...I really like you as a friend, but you need to know how it feels to get mistreated for no reason....look at it as a favor" Yao smiled a genuine smile slapping my back. Oddly enough, I was not mad at him for this...

"By the way, you should not mention this to Francis whatsoever" Yao looked at me seriously. "Why not?" I asked, and he smiled sweetly; it terrified me. "Because it will only get worse," he explained as we walked out the door. Yao looked at his watch as he waved bye to me. "See you at the desk" he smiled as my eyesight went black again. I looked around quickly and was in front of Ivan and Alfred. "So, as I was saying, I think the wedding for Francis and Arthur might be the colorful type."

"What? I feel like their theme would be green or something," Ivan said, shocked as they looked at each other, then at me. Poor Francis, they were planning a wedding for us in front of him. A wedding that would not happen at all. "It will be neither since there will not be a wedding" I shook my head as they looked sad. "Focus on your wedding, Alfred" Yao came sitting down, laughing along. I still can not be mad at him, and I do not know why.....maybe because I know that I can be an asshole and that I was not the target of his plan.

Even then, that is still assholish of me to think. Since I was not the primary target, I was not mad at him. Yet, Yao and I have been friends forever. I trust him a maybe there is more to it than I realize it....or more than what he is saying. There just has to be another reason, and I will figure it out. "Yao, if I beat Alfred in Rock Paper Scissors, will you go on a date with me?" Ivan asked, determined as Yao shrugged his shoulders, reading a magazine.

"Maybe, I would need to think about it," Yao said, not looking up. This was enough to get Ivan excited as he looked at Alfred, determined. "Are you sure? I am the master at this"
"That is true," Yao added, looking at the guys acting like children. "I am ready for this challenge," Alfred laughed, making me roll my eyes. I felt a stare on me that made me look up to where it was coming from.

Francis was by the printer, looking at me as I looked back. He gave me a smile followed by a wink as I glared at him. Why was he so embarrassing all the time? I felt my face red as I slowly put my head down on my desk. I am going to hell for my gay hell hell, the hell, that is not very cool, I guess. After a few seconds of putting my head down, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Can we talk?" Francis asked, making Ivan and Alfred stop their game to look at us like interested children. "Yes, he can!!!! He is not doing anything anyway" Alfred butt in with eager eyes.

"Yes...I can talk" I shook my head at Alfred, who kept trying to hold in his laugh. "Can we talk in private?" He asked, making me nod. "Over here" I pointed to the broom closet in the hallway. Francis closed the door behind us as we stood silent looking at each other. "Well?..." I asked, annoyed, but he laughed nervously. "I lied; I had no reason to talk," he laughed, making me slap my forehead. "Why would you ask me here then?" I asked, and he tried looking off. "Well...I just wanted to be alone with you....."

"Why?" I asked, confused, and he started to fidget. "Antonio and Gilbert don't like that we have been getting close.....but I do, and I wanted to just take a break with you or something... I just wanted to see you," he laughed as I shook my head. "We work on the same floor; you see me every day," I explained, and he shrugged. "It is not the same" he smiled slyly as I nodded. "Okay then..." I said, confused. I sat on the floor in the closet, tired as he did the same.

"What did Yao talk to you about?" He asked, and my eyes widened. I remembered how Yao said it would get worse if I told him anything, so I decided to lie.... just a little. "Well, he talked to me about the switch and said he did it because he did not like you, and seeing you hate me, made sense to switch us..." I explained as he breathed out nervously. "That still kind of sucks, though...did he say he would change us back?" Francis asked, and I shrugged. "Just said he will see how long he can keep it up...I guess it is entertainment for him right now" I scratched the back of my head.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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