Chapter four

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Francis and I arrived at my house, where we could talk privately. "We still need to figure out how to turn back to normal" Francis theatrically sat on the couch. It was terrible to watch, especially since he looked like me. The whole thing was weird since I felt like I was talking to myself. Francis stood up to look at himself in a mirror. "You could use a wax," he joked, stroking the eyebrows he now had. "Please do not touch me in such an odd way" I looked at him as he rubbed his new eyebrows.

I was starting to get tired of this stupid long hair, so I grabbed a rubber band and tied it up the best I could. "How dare you make me look ugly" He sassed, trying to fix my hair, but I kept pulling away. "How dare me? How dare you judge my eyebrows?" I looked at him, annoyed, as I tried to take a seat away from him. He was nowhere near how I acted, and anyone who isn't stupid will notice these things.

"Any ideas to change us back," he asked, pouting, and I thought for a moment. If this was done by magic which it probably was. I could probably figure something out from my spell books. "Well, I can try using some black magic?" I suggested looking at him, and his mouth dropped from shock. "Don't make that face in my body, you bloody git!" I yelled while the Frenchness poured out in my voice. "Stop saying British slang in my voice. It is disgusting," he said, shocked some more. God, this will be very difficult to work with him.

"You know magic?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yes, it might take a while, but I am sure I will be able to figure it out," I explained, and he went into a slump. As if he felt hopeless. "While You do that, we need to figure out how this happened in the first place. We need to think back to what we did last night," Francis suggested making me laugh. "What?" He asked, annoyed. "Oh, nothing, just that you sound like me. Smart," I pointed to him, laughing even though it was like laughing at myself.

"But you are correct" I smiled, trying to think. "Well, any weird things that you remember? Try just telling me what your whole night was like" he looked at me, and I thought. "I arrived at twelve, I believe, Yao called me. So I looked for him; Antonio was the first to see me and said that you were asking about me and then-."

"Wait! He told you that?"
"Yes, why? I thought he was probably lying since it seemed odd."
"He was telling the truth; I was asking where you were" he looked at me seriously as I lifted an eyebrow. "For what?" I asked, and he laughed nervously. "Because I like bickering with you, it amuses me," he chuckled, looking away. I can't take anything he says seriously while in my body.

"Well, after that, I asked for Yao and was told he was upstairs, where I found him. I was going to take him home until you came, and he started saying all these weird things in Chinese; after that, I decided to get a drink with you after I placed him on the bed, and then Antonio came after we drank a bit. I finished after thinking back to last night. He gave us drinks, remember?"

"Well, I got to the party at nine, and everything was normal; I didn't talk to anyone besides Gilbert and Antonio, and even then, I was bugging them if they had seen you yet." He started laughing a bit nervously at what he was admitting. "Then, once I found out you were there, I looked around for you upstairs, which you were. Then I had no idea it was Chinese, but Yao spoke it, then we had drinks, and Antonio came, then we passed out upstairs," he finished making me nod.

"There was also that girl there when I took you up," I added, and we nodded. "So! The time we saw each other, assuming that we had to be near each other for it to happen, was from when You walked up the stairs seeing me with Yao till when we passed out on the floor," I said out loud as we continued to think.

"Hey! Remember how we did not feel good and thought we were drunk, but we did not feel drunk?" Francis pointed out, and I nodded. "Yes! That must have a connection to how this happened!" I said happily at his statement. " when did we start to feel sick? When Antonio gave us the drinks?" I asked, and he shook his head. "No, I felt ill before he came, so from the time during and after he came has to be crossed out," he pointed out, and I smiled at how cool he seemed as he started putting the pieces together; it impressed me.

"Right! So that leaves the time when....."
"What?" He asked as I slowly stopped what I was going to say. "Yao, he said something in Chinese, then we touched each other!!!" I shouted, standing up from my seat as our eyes widened. "What did he say? Do you know?" Francis stood up to look at me. "Yes.... of course NOT!!!!" I started sarcastically pulling away.

"We need to figure out what he said" he looked at me. "Yeah, duh! But it will be hard since I have no idea how I am supposed to ask in this state," I said, pointing to myself, and he smirked. "Well, good thing I look like you now" Francis smiled a mischievous grin on my face as I started to breathe out defeat. "Great.... we are doomed."

Thanks for reading so far. ❤️

Also, hopefully, this book makes sense of who is who; I am trying to fix it up so it is easy to picture it ❤️❤️❤️

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