Chapter twenty-three

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~third person pov ~
Francis pushed Yao aside as he tried to go after Arthur as fast as possible. He knew not to trust Yao about anything and needed to hear Arthur's side of the story. Francis realized how stupid he had reacted to that kiss. "Plus, I did only get with Elizabeta to get a reaction out of him," Francis thought. He felt terrible for what he was planning, especially since Arthur did not react the way he would have wanted. Francis walked outside, seeing Arthur in the gazebo. "Art-." Francis cut himself off seeing Matthew walk toward Arthur.

Francis crawled closer to the gazebo, staying hidden as he tried to listen in. "This is not good, but I need to be honest to Arthur as well," Francis thought, peeking over the floor of the gazebo to see if he could hear what was going on between them. "ahhhh, well, will you say sorry?" Matthew asked as Francis continued to watch interested. "They must be talking about what happened between us," Francis thought staying silent.

"Me? I guess I was in the wrong. I never told him the truth, and it backfired" Arthur rubbed his forehead, frustrated. "Was it important? Or was it something you knew would hurt his feelings?"Matthew asked in a wise tone. "Ha, well, it would have definitely hurt his feelings if I told him," Arthur said, making Francis's eyes widen. "Well, then I guess it is not all that bad. Maybe if you tell him that you thought it would hurt him to know, maybe? Hahaha, I am not the best at advising myself," Matthew laughed sweetly.

"You are right!!!! Thank you, maybe he will understand if I tell him I was only looking out for him" Arthur smiled, thinking about it. Francis sat back on the floor, smiling with relief. "So he was trying to protect my feelings? I wonder how bad it was?" Francis thought, trying to listen more.

"Listen, Arthur.... do you really not have feelings for Francis? It's just that anyone who was just friends would have thought that the other person would get over it, but..... you are legit worried and sad," Matthew pointed out. Francis's eyes widened at his words as He looked at Arthur, who had the same expression. "I do not know, I mean, I think he is attractive and amazing to be around, and it did break my heart hearing that he had a girlfriend....but how do I even know" Arthur looked back to Matthew, who was trying to hold in a laugh.

Francis covered his mouth at what Arthur said about him. "I really should not be listening to this," Francis thought, worried, crawling away slowly, but his eyesight went blank suddenly. "Fuck" Francis said within Arthur's body as he stood up quickly and nervously. "What is it?" Matthew asked. Francis turned around slowly as he saw Arthur stand up, angry again. "You were spying on me again?! What is up with you?" Arthur asked, walking into the gazebo.

Matthew looked at both of them, confused with widened eyes. "I was trying to look for you! I was worried," Francis tried to defend. Matthew looked to who he thought was Francis closely. "Arthur? Is that you? How is this possible?" Matthew asked, making the both of them stay still horrified. "Damn it," Francis said, looking to Matthew, who was about ready to pass out from the shock of everything. Both their visions went blank as they switched back to their real bodies again.

"Matthew, it is me; I am back to normal again; it is only temporary" Arthur looked at Matthew in his normal body, worried. Matthew took a seat, trying to process everything. "Who was I talking to earlier?" Matthew asked. Both Francis and Arthur looked at each other worried, seeing his reaction to the switch. "You were talking to me, Arthur," Arthur tried to explain. He held onto Matthews's shoulder, trying to calm him down as much as possible. Matthew looked at Arthur, nodding; he believed that it was him by how he was reacting to his worry. "How is that possible?"

"We.... are cursed; the only person who can fix it is trying to teach us a lesson," Francis explained, annoyed by the situation. "Really? Who is it? Why would they go after you?" Matthew asked, angry and concerned. "I would rather not tell you who; just know we are doing our best to turn back," Arthur tried to reassure. "It is someone I know? Wow? Does Alfred know who they are?" Matthew asked. They both nodded at him slowly as he stood up quickly. "They are here, aren't they?" He wondered as Francis's jaw dropped. "Wow, he is really good at this"

Arthur nodded, looking back to Matthew, who was worried sick. "Why, you two?"
"Not important, Mattie; for now, keep this a secret until we figure out how to change back."
"But I want to help you."
"No, if you know, maybe he will do something to you as well," Arthur explained as Matthews's eyes widened, horrified. "It is Yao, and it has to be makes sense" Francis and Arthur looked at each other shocked, as they turned to Matthew, nodding. "Alfred can't know; they are super close..... you can't say anything, Mattie, please," Arthur begged.

Matthew stepped back away from them slowly as he nodded, agreeing to Arthur's request. "I won't, but if it gets out of hand, you need to get help, if not from me, at least from Alfred...he always knows what to do...despite him worrying 95 percent of the time" Matthew gave a sly smile as he started to walk off. "The two of you have some things to talk about, so I will just go....see you soon" Matthew smirked a bit walking off. Arthur sat on the bench, followed by Francis sitting beside him. "I guess we could take this time to be honest with each other" Arthur looked at Francis Seriously. "Oui....."

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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