Chapter thirty

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Francis looked out to the snow with a happy look. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. He turned to me slowly, smiling some more. "Because I am sitting beside someone I love a lot." He moved the hair out of my face. My face softened and I tried not to show how sad I was. Looking around again, I noticed the shadow had moved to a closer spot. I knew it was Yao watching us. "Arthur....." Francis started. He looked at me with a goofy grin. "What is it?" I asked, confused. "The most beautiful sound I've ever heard. All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word.....Arthur" looked to me.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his words. He is so sweet all the time. "Suddenly.... your name will never be the same for me. The thought of you is enchanting on its own" He came closer to my face. "Don't say that" I cried. He looked at me surprised as tears fell from my eyes. "Why not? It is true" he smiled. Francis reached for my hand, but I pulled away. "Don't say will only make it harder," I cried.

"Make what harder?" Francis smiled. His eyes widened with confusion as he continued to study my sadness. "Francis...I ca-can't return your feelings," I stuttered. His smile fell, and I saw the heartbreak crush him. His eyes filled with sadness and he adjusted himself in his seat. "You....don' me?" He asked. The heartbreak in his voice was too brutal to hear. My eyes widened from how miserable he sounded asking that. I shook my head slowly, feeling my throat choke up looking at Francis.  "No, Francis, I do not love all." I swallowed hard.

"But...I really thought you-."
"Well, you thought wrong."
"Arthur..... my lo-."
"No! Stop!!! I don't love you, so stop trying" I felt my stomach fall to the ground staring at him seriously. His eyes filled with tears as he backed away from me slowly. "Arthur, you are lying....look me in the eyes and tell me that again" Francis grabbed my shoulders to look at him. "No, just leave it alone already," I hiccuped. I looked away from his face as best as I could. However, Francis grabbed my cheeks in his palms to stare me straight into the eyes.

"You are lying" he looked at me sadly. Francis kissed me softly, but I pulled away. "No!!!! I don't, I will never love you" his eyes widened at me. I felt disgusted with myself as I stood up away from him. In the distance, a clap was heard. We both turned our heads to see Yao coming out of the shadows smiling. Francis wiped the tears from his eyes as he turned to look at Yao. "You actually did it....a deal is a deal. I will break the spell" Yao smirked. Francis looked at me sadly as I tried to look away.

"I am sorry, Francis" I looked at him sadly. Yao stopped his happy dance to look at him as well. "How does it feel, Francis? To pour your heart out to someone, then have them step all over your feelings like it was trash?" Yao asked, pulling his hair. Francis continued to look down in sadness. What on earth have I done? "Francis?" I asked softly. I tried to reach my hand out for him, but he slapped it away from him. "Don't you dare touch me? You led me on; how could you do that? You really are the worst person in the world."

My eyes widened at his words, and I felt my heart shatter. He really meant that....unlike me, he was not pretending. "Francis..I"
"Get away from me already; you deserve no one but pain" Francis looked at me in a disgusting way. He was just upset....he did not mean it. I felt tears fall down my cheeks as Yao pointed at me, laughing. "Hahahahah!!! How does it feel, Arthur, to be treated like, I am gone now" Yao laughed. He ruffled my hair roughly as he left the gazebo.

I need to tell him it was a lie....but would he even listen? "I really cared about you; you knew how I felt and continued to pretend to share the same feelings. How could you do that to me?" Francis cried some more. "Francis.....I only did it, so we could change back," I explained. By now, Francis was standing up in front of me. Francis lifted up a hand and slapped me across the face. "There was no excuse" he looked at me, hurt. I placed a hand on my cheek and felt more tears fall.

"But... I really loved you... I only said those things so Yao could turn us back, and it worked. I was not serious," I cried. Francis looked at me, disgusted still. "I was a fool for loving you" he moved past me. "Wait! Don't leave me, please...please, I do love you," I cried, trying to pull him towards me. He pushed me away and looked at me angrily. "How am I supposed to believe you? Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am stupid?" He asked. I shook my head, looking down.

Francis left me there in the snow as I continued to cry. He had left somewhere... But I did not know where. "I am sorry, Francis," I cried out loud. No!!! I need to go inside, Alfred...he is expecting me. I quickly wiped my tears, pulling myself together. I felt the world collapsing around me. I loved Francis; I love Francis!!!! I lost him because I wanted to play the hero. I walked into the building slowly, pretending I was not hurting so badly. I do not deserve to live with myself....what on earth have I done?

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️

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