Chapter ten

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"I will be going out tonight; if we happen to switch, don't worry, okay, just act normal," I explained, grabbing my keys and wallet. "Really? Who's the lucky girl?" Francis laughed. "First, she is a guy, and second, we are just going to hang out ONLY," I explained, and he looked sad. "What is it?" I asked, and he breathed out. "I wish you would have told me earlier..... I canceled plans with Gilbert and Antonio so that I...." he did not finish as my eyes widened. That is what they were talking about earlier. "Oh....." I said slowly, not knowing what to do; Ivan would be here anytime now.

There was a knock on the door as I stared at Francis. "Go on, and I will be fine here" he smiled, making me nod slowly. I feel terrible about this, but it is too late to turn Ivan away after his trouble coming to my house to get me. I will go home early. Hopefully, Ivan won't mind. I rushed to open the door and saw Ivan standing there, happy. "We are going to the pub down the street, so I will be home soon" I smiled as Francis looked away.

"You ready?" Ivan asked, trying to see who I was talking to. "Yes," I smiled, closing the door behind me. "So, where are you from?" He asked as we started to walk. "I am from London; I moved to America seven years ago," I explained, and he smiled, nodding. "That is very interesting," he smiled. He was extremely friendly, and I think Francis would like him. "What about you?" I asked, and he chuckled lightly. "I am from Russia, I moved to Italy a few years ago, and now I am here."

"Wow, That is amazing" I smiled. He nodded once more as we continued to walk in silence. This was a bit awkward, but he offered to pay, so... I don't mind all that much. Alfred bugged me about coming and how Ivan probably wanted more than a drink tonight. Which I wholly ignored since he makes a big arse deal about everything, so I should not take everything he says seriously. Then Alfred kept rambling about how he felt that Francis had a thing for me too, which was total bull crap if you ask me.

"Here, let me" Ivan opened the door for me. "Thank you," I smiled, walking into the pub. "So, is Alfred like your brother or something?" Ivan asked, lifting a brow. "Somewhat, I moved to America to be closer to him. He is more of a cousin, but I am older than him by maybe five years and act as his older brother, even though he does have an actual brother who is attending college in New Orleans," I explained happily. "When I talked to Alfred, he kept saying you were taken already, even though I meant it as a friendly gesture" he looked at me smiling.

"Oh god, did he? He can be such a child. Well, I am certainly not taken by anyone. Also, do not mind him; he has been troublesome lately since I made friends with someone new" I shook my head, thinking of Alfred's childish behavior. "Really? Who?" Ivan asked as we sat in a booth. "Francis Bonnefoy," I laughed nervously. "The one that yelled at you the other day?" He asked, shocked. I laughed, nodding at this since it was me yelling at him.

"What will it be?" A lady came to us. "I will have a vodka, and he will have a-."
"Whiskey, please," I added, making the lady nod and walking away. "So you are friends with him, I guess that explains some things" Ivan laughed as I shook. "Yeah, honestly, I disliked him before since he was such a flirt with everyone, and it got annoying, but lately, I think I have been warming up to him." I smiled, thinking about it. "Sounds to me that you may have a-."

He was cut off when I suddenly arrived at my house. "Oh FUCK!!!" I yelled. What was Ivan about to say? Now Francis might hear and know what we were talking about. I rushed to get Francis's phone and saw he was in the middle of texting Antonio and Gilbert. I had a slight urge to read the text, but I knew it was wrong, so I quickly scrolled to the call logs. "Thank god you saved my number" I smiled. I looked at my name and wanted to throw the phone at the wall.

"How dare you put me under "eyebrow demon from hell" I will end you later," I hissed, typing a text to him. "What did you hear?" I said as I typed the message to send. However, he never answered at all. Messages started to pour in from Gilbert and Antonio, and I looked at them curiously. "WAIT, THIS IS WRONG!" I shook my head, trying to look away. Damn..... one peek.

"So he went with someone else? Just ditch him and come over here as he ditched you"..... that was rude," I read out loud. " stop pretending to be his friend already...." I read slowly. Was he pretending to be my friend? That can not be true, and he was sad that I had to leave....unless he was faking it.

"If you like him, then just say it" I opened my eyes as I heard Ivan's voice again. "Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded my head. "Yes, I am just peachy; I just think I might need to use the restroom," I laughed, wiping sweat off my face. This time the switch made me feel sick to my stomach. "Just excuse me for a moment" I smiled as he nodded a yes to me.
I stood up quickly and walked to the restroom to wash my face.

Thanks for reading so far.

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