Chapter nine

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As we arrived at work the next day, I kept an eye on Yao, but he seemed normal. Maybe we were overthinking this. "Hey dude, that new guy digs you" Alfred rolled his chair closer to mine as I lifted an eyebrow. "What? Why would you say that?" I asked, confused, and he led his eyes behind me. "Because he has been staring at you for the past hour, dude," Alfred whispered, laughing. I was honestly afraid to turn around because of this. "I need to use the restroom, excuse me," I laughed nervously, standing up.

Yao looked up at me slowly as I stared back at him. He seemed normal but still had a bit of suspicion in how he looked at me. I walked to the restroom slowly, trying to forget about today's weirdness. "Maybe I should take tomorrow off?" I said to myself nervously. I walked up to a urinal, trying to relax so I could finally take a piss. Francis is right, Yao is the culprit, and we need to see what is up with him. I breathed out, closing my eyes. "Finally," I hummed as I started to pee.

"Yeah, dude, it was awesome!!!" I opened my eyes, and I was in front of Gilbert. "AHHHHHGG!!!!!" A scream was heard from the restroom as everyone turned. "Whoa, That Arthur?" Antonio looked in the direction in confusion. "Damn it!" I said, frustrated, standing up. It was becoming less noticeable that we switched. This is starting to piss me off. "You okay?" Gilbert looked at me, confused as I stared in the direction of the scream. Francis soon stumbled out of the restroom as everyone stared at him. "I saw a rat..." Francis lied as I slapped my forehead. "You have got to be kidding me."

"So tell me again why you have been wanting to get closer to him?" Antonio asked, confused as I shrugged my shoulders. "What did I say before?" I asked, and he shook his head at me. "What? We were talking about it." Antonio looked annoyed now. "You have been acting strange lately. Did something happen between the both of you?" Gilbert asked, and I shook my head, seeing Francis take a seat at my spot. Yao kept staring hard at him, and I wondered if he noticed.

"That would make sense why you keep trying to ditch us to hang out with him," Antonio said, saddened as my eyes widened. Was Francis doing that? He probably does not want us to change when he is with his friends; that would suck. "He is always rude to you anyway, yet you still want to try and be his friend?" Gilbert asked, concerned, and I turned to them. "I am sure he does not mean to be rude, plus, I can be rude toward him sometimes....that could be why he acts that way toward me," I said, and they looked at me, surprised.

Francis wants to try and be my friend. That still does not make any sense. He might have been saying that because of the situation we are currently in at the moment. "Really? You think he does not mean to act that way?" Antonio asked, and I shrugged. "Who knows, maybe he likes to joke around the way I do" I laughed nervously at what I was saying. It wasn't very pleasant when he flirted with a lot of people, but I do know that Francis is a good person.

I mentally slapped myself in the face as I started thinking about it. What is wrong with me?! I have only really started talking to him for three days. This body swap fiasco is beginning to make me lose my mind. Before I knew it, I looked around and was back in my normal body. I was surrounded by Alfred and Yao, who looked at my reaction keenly. I have to act normal. I looked back to Francis across the room, and he was laughing with Gilbert and Antonio. He finally caught my glance as he gave me a sly smile.

I turned around quickly and started shuffling in my seat; why was that so cute to me? "I saw that, Arthur" Alfred started to shake me as I laughed nervously. "Saw what?" I asked as Yao looked at me, smiling. "Francis, he smiled at you. Have the both of you been warming up to each other?" Alfred winked as I shook my head. "Not likely," I laughed nervously. "Yes, I noticed that. To be honest, Arthur, what has been happening between you?" Yao asked, smirking, and I felt my eyebrows scrunch as I looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing, the same relationship, as usual, just a tad bit of mutual respect" I looked at Yao smirking as his smile dropped. "Oh really, that's different" he laughed nervously at his work. "Mutual respect, that is cool" Alfred smiled. "Yeah, nothing more, though. Still can't trust a player like him," I laughed, making Yao shuffle a bit. He was nervous; I could see it. Francis was right about trying to get him to come to us; he was impatient and will want to know if the spell worked or not. I chuckled a bit, realizing it as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw the new guy standing behind me. "Oh hey, Ivan," I smiled as Alfred smirked away. Jeez, what a child he is sometimes. "I was wondering if you want to get drinks after work today?" He asked, and I smiled, nodding my head. "Sure, who else would be there?" I asked, and he laughed. "Just us," he pointed out, and I could see Alfred shaking as he tried to hold in a laugh. "Alright then.....sounds fun" I shrugged. I could honestly go on an excellent pint after all of this.

Thanks for reading so far

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