Chapter two

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I was taking small sips out of my drink as I looked at Francis, who kept drinking excessive alcohol. "Don't you think you have had enough?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Once you finish your first drink, I will stop," he laughed, pointing to my drink.  His face suddenly became serious as he started to look sick. "Are you okay?" I asked, confused, and he shook his head. "I think I am feeling sick," he explained as I laughed at him. "I wonder why?" I laughed as he stumbled over his feet to stand up.

This guy was dramatic, so I tried not to pay him much mind when he said he was "sick." "Arthur, help me go upstairs" Francis walked towards me. He shook his head as if he was dizzy. "Sit for a moment; I have not even finished my drink. That is what you wanted, right?" I asked, looking at him. Francis nodded and quickly took a seat as Antonio came toward us with two shots in his hands. "For the both of you, this should make things interesting," Antonio laughed, placing the drinks in front of us.

"Okay, fine, one more," Francis said, drinking the shot. "What about you?" Antonio looked at me eagerly. "I am fine" I rolled my eyes. "Drink up!!!!" He said forcefully, making me nod. Jeez, what the hell is his problem? I chugged the drink down and stood up to walk away, but Francis grabbed me. "Take me upstairs, please," he begged, making me nod, annoyed.  "You owe me one" I shook my head, placing his arm over my shoulder. "Francis, you are leaving already?" A coworker of ours came running to him. "Sorry, daisy, I am not feeling too well; how about we spend some time together tomorrow " Francis smirked at her as I started to walk with him up the steps. Even when drunk, he still manages to flirt.

"God, you are heavy as fuck" I groaned, trying to pull him up the stairs. "Arthur, I don't feel good," he complained. "Don't you dare throw up on me, you idiot!" I yelled, and he chuckled. "Of course not; nothing could fix those horrid clothes you wear. Not even my vomit," he joked as I started to get pissed off. "I am here helping you! Have some respect!"

I opened the door to the room I last placed Yao in and dropped Francis to the floor as I shut the door behind me. "What was that for?!" He groaned, not being able to move. "I..... do not- feel so good," I said, confused, holding my head. I have no idea where this sudden sickness came from. I do not even feel drunk, and I am not EVEN drunk. "One shot was all it took, huh?" Francis laughed as I fell to my knees. "Oh, shut it; I am not even drunk," I defended, holding onto my forehead.

"Arthur- I have no idea what is happening," Francis said, confused, before passing out onto the floor where I had dropped him. "No! Do not die!" I said, trying to shake him, but I began to feel extremely queasy. I could not throw up, though; it was an odd feeling. "I said, wake up, idiot," I said, annoyed, punching his stomach. He had yet to wake up from the impact, though. I placed a hand on the ground as I tried to hold myself up, but it was no use. I fell onto the floor beside him, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Wake up!!!! It is morning" I felt someone shake me as I opened my eyes slowly. "What?" I asked, confused, looking around and seeing Antonio and Gilbert hovering over me. "Dude! You got so wasted!!" They laughed as I scrunched my nose up, concerned. Where the bloody hell was Francis? That bastard owes me for the trouble I went through. I had to drag his drunk ass up the steps. "Arthur!!! Wake up already," I heard Yao's voice say, making me turn. "I am up-" I cut myself off, seeing myself asleep beside me.

"WHaaaa!!!!!!" I screamed, horrified as that clone of me started to move around. "Francis, are you okay?" Antonio asked, looking at me. Francis? Why the bloody hell would he call me Francis? I pushed them away as I held my hand up to my face. "Whoa, What is wrong with you?!" Gilbert asked, confused as that clone sat up. No, not a clone, that was me, but I am not me; I am Francis. How is that possible?

"Wow, What happe-." He stopped mid-sentence hearing his voice in horror. "You got drunk, Arthur; you don't remember?" Yao asked, making him open his eyes widely. "Arthur? Why on earth would you call me that? And why do I sound like-.?" He looked past Yao into a mirror and nearly fainted. "What are you talking about?" Yao asked, confused as I quickly stood up, pulling him or me; I have no idea who it was. But if I am Francis and that is me, we might have switched places.

"What the hell?" Francis asked, confused as I pulled him up. "We need to talk, give us a moment," I said, sounding French. I never wanted to jump off a bridge so much in my life before now.

Pulling Francis into the restroom, I locked the door behind us. "Who are you? And why am I not in my body? And why do I sound like Arthur? And where is Arthur?!" He asked, horrified as I covered his mouth to shut up. "It is me, you git!" I said, making his eyes widen, calming down a lot.

"We are each other? How?" Francis asked, terrified, and I shrugged my shoulders. "I do not know, but until we figure this out, we can't just be saying stuff like, "I am not Arthur" they will send us to a mental institution" I looked at him, annoyed. "I need time to process this," he said, breathing out, as I nodded to his request. I also need time to process this as well fully.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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