Chapter thirty-one

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I looked at Alfred and Matthew, who stared at me, horrified. "That has been happing? How come you did not tell me?" Alfred asked worriedly. I looked down sadly. "I am sorry" was all I could say. "Hey, guys!! Are all of you okay? Where is Yao?" Ivan came to us curiously. I looked away from him nervously as Alfred and Matthew looked angry at that name. "We don't know, but I would like to have a private conversation with him" Alfred smirked in an evil way. "Ehhh? What are you talking about?" Ivan asked confused.

"Let's talk somewhere privately," Alfred said. We were all pulled into a small closet room. Ivan looked confused as ever, while Alfred looked pissed off. "What's going on?" Ivan asked. I spaced out for a moment as Alfred explained the situation. I could hear arguing but decided to block all of it out. I want to see Francis right now. I need to see Francis right now. I looked up to them as I started listening. "I can't believe he did that......I thought he was nice," Ivan said sadly. I am sure his heart was broken because of it.

"So Francis hates you now?" Ivan asked. Hearing those words made me burst into tears. "Come on dude, he is delicate right now" Alfred shook his head. "Guys... we need to find both of them," Matthew told them. They all nodded, looking at me. "Arthur, where did they go?" Ivan asked. I shrugged, showing that I did not have a clue. I would rather try and find Francis myself. "Excuse me," I said. I pushed all of them to leave. However, they followed behind me. "Where are you going?" Alfred asked. "To find Francis, I need him to believe me," I explain, searching through the reception.

Francis must be outside still, maybe. "I will find Yao....don't worry, he won't know I know. I think he owes all of us an explanation," Ivan said, angry yet heartbroken. Ivan walked in a different direction in search of Yao, while I walked outside in the cold snow once more. "You two go that way; text me if you find him," I ordered. Matthew and Alfred nodded, going in a different direction from where I was going. I want to see if maybe he was possibly by the gazebo. It was not fair.....I needed him to know.

As I looked around, I started to hear the music play. They must have turned the speakers on for people outside. It was classical music, oddly enough. I looked around some more and saw blonde hair sitting down by the bushes. "Francis?" I called, running towards him. I breathed out as I looked at him. He ignored my call for him as he was shivering himself. "Francis, please talk to me," I said sadly. I knelt beside him, but he looked away from me. "Fine....don't answer, but at least hear me out." I looked at him.

I sat beside him and coughed out nervously. "Last night, I realized that if I were to break your heart, Yao would change us back. But the thing is.....I did not mean any of it because I've fallen in love with you, Francis" I looked at him sadly.  "You can hate as much as you want..... I deserve it for not saying anything to you sooner. I planned to do it another time since you had a girlfriend....which I did not think you were serious about me because of it...." I continued. This time he looked at me.

"I only got with her to make you jealous...couldn't you see how helplessly in love I was with you? Then you never gave me a thought, then this happens, and I have no idea whether to believe you or not." He looked at me, heartbroken. "I know....and you don't have to; I just want to tell you what happened. I planned to tell you how I felt after what trick Yao, and it worked; we are not switching anymore" I looked to him hopefully. "Aren't you worried he might see us together and do it again?"

"Not fact...Alfred and Ivan know what he did. Ivan is looking for him as we speak."
"Ivan? Isn't he in love with him?"
"Yes.... that was the troubling part."
"However, everyone was angry about the situation...."
"I see" Francis looked away from me once more. "Francis, I love you more than anything in the world, you know. Have you ever been so in love? That It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest, and it opens up your heart, and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. That is how I feel being in love with you. It is like you have me in the palm of your hand."

"You don't love someone because they're perfect; you love them in spite of the fact that they're not. People make mistakes all the time, Francis; mine was huge, but I love you, I love you like a bee loves a flower. I am sorry, please. Forgive me," I cried. Putting my head down to him in shamefulness, I felt his hand touch my shoulder. "Arthur, you spout nonsense all the time....for once, just let people help you. You could have come to me about it."

I looked up at him sadly. "Francis...I am sorry," I said once more. This time he actually smiled at me. "I know... I don't know if I believe you is just a little hard," he added. I looked at him, scrunching my nose together. "Then, I will convince you" I grabbed his face gently, pulling him closer to me. "I love you...Francis," I whispered. I slowly kissed him on the lips. It was terrific, and I felt fireworks in my body. I have never felt so happy kissing him. I let go slowly, looking at his surprised face, which was now red.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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