Chapter eighteen

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~third person pov~
As Arthur undressed, he looked at himself in the mirror, tired. "Francis is really nice...I wonder if I even deserve such kindness after being rude to him. Yao is right; I am an asshole" Arthur looked down sadly as he turned the water on. Stepping in the cold water slowly, he heard a light knock on the door. "Come in!" Arthur called closing the curtain so Francis could come in. "I have your clothes...I will just put them on the counter," He chirped. "Thank you," Arthur called, dipping his hair in the water.

Arthur held his breath under the water, feeling the drops suddenly hit his back and head as they both stood still. "HUUUHHGGG!!!!" Francis breathed in from Arthur's body, trying to catch a breath. "Ahhh!!!!" Francis yelled again as he looked down, seeing Arthur naked. "I am sorry for looking!!!" Francis opened the shower curtain frantically as Arthur looked at him, shocked. "You stupid idiot!!!! You can't just leave naked !!!!" Arthur pushed him back into the shower, causing Francis to fall....pulling Arthur in the shower as well. They both took deep breaths switching back to their normal bodies.

~Arthur POV~
The worst position to be in. Francis was hovering over me as I lay naked on the bathtub floor; this was the worst. "Let me just get up real quick," he laughed nervously, turning red. "Yes, please," I shook my head. We had already seen each other naked before switching, so that did not bother me. What did bother me was that he kept nervously looking away, trying to get up. Francis reached for the shower pole quickly, but it broke off. "You git that hurt!!!!" I held my head after his head butted against mine.

"Sorry, it is super slippery," he said nervously as he started to get more soaked by the second. The shower curtain was wrapped around his waist as he struggled to get up. "For crying out loud! Let me!" I said, pulling on the shower curtain to help myself up. "NO, YOU FOOL!!" Francis shouted loud as the metal pole and curtain plummeted on top of him. "Bastard, that hurt!" He looked at me under the curtain. "Well, this would not have happened if you did not freak out seeing me naked. What is that about anyway? Am I disgusting or something?" I asked angrily as he started to stamper on his words.

"No!!! That is not it; you have a very exquisite body" he laughed nervously while I stared at him. "But that's not the point!!! Why were you holding your breath underwater? I could have drowned!"
"Drowned? Do you not know how to breathe?"
"Do YoU nOT kNoW hOw To BrEaTh?" He mocked, making me pull his hair a bit. "How dare you mock me!"
"How dare me? How dare you?" He grabbed my hair, looking me in the eyes. We both glared at each other still naked and him still on top of me.

"You frog! Get off of me," I demanded, and he made a face full of sass. "Like I was not trying to do that?" He looked at me as I smiled in annoyance. "Look, this squabble won't get us anywhere, so hurry up," I said, looking at him. Francis breathed out, agreeing as he tried to get up slowly. "The curtain is wrapped around me," he said, trying to hold himself up. "Let me," I said, lifting myself.

I got closer to him as I put my arm around him, trying to untangle the curtain from his waist. "What are you doing?" He asked, turning red. What is his deal? "I am helping," I said, rolling my eyes. Our faces were close, but he was tangled up. "Wait! I can do it," he laughed nervously, trying to pull away. "Just let me do it!" I shouted, but he kept moving around. "No!!! Let me please" he seemed like he was freaking out from how close I was. "Honestly, Francis, just stay still" I shook my head coming closer. The way he was holding himself up ended when his hand slipped against the bathtub floor. I felt an aching sensation on my head, but also.....

My eyes widened, and I felt my stomach fill with a new sensation as I pushed him away. "I am sorry! That was an accident!" He said nervously, trying to stand up. " is fine..." I said, looking away. We accidentally kissed....the worst part is that I don't want to kill myself. With all his might, Francis stood up quickly. His face looked like a tomato as he stumbled around to get his head together. "Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing a towel to cover myself.

My stomach felt I was embarrassed. "Yes...I am fine" he said before quickly leaving the bathroom. I still needed to finish my shower, so I did not get dressed yet. However, I did manage to get a glimpse of myself in the mirror slowly but surely. "Damn!!! What the hell is wrong with me?" I whispered shouted, slapping my cheeks. They were turning a bright red as I held onto my chest. It was beating so hard; the feeling in my stomach made me feel happy and weird. I need to punch these butterflies out of my stomach.

Right as I was about to punch my stomach, I stopped myself. "I am going just to finish my shower," I said, moving the curtain aside. I am sure Francis will fix it later, right after he is done fixing his stupid attitude. He did not even bother to ask if I was okay. "Heh..." I huffed out, pouring shampoo on my hair. "Not like I care if he was worried or not" I closed my eyes again, cleaning my hair. I thought about the accidental kiss making me slam my fists against the shower wall.

"Damn it!!!!!"

Thanks for reading so far ❤️😂

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