Chapter eight

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"This is what you get, an endless chaotic cycle," I said, confused in English as Francis looked at me. We stopped changing back and forth after an hour. We were finally in our bodies again....for now. "What does this mean? "What you get"? There is no denying that it has to be Yao; he probably wrote it in there," Francis stated as I flipped through the pages. They were all blank, and he gave us a blank book. "This doesn't make sense; why would he do this?" I asked, looking to Francis, who shrugged.

"I would understand since I always tease him, but it does not make sense for him to do it to you. Did you piss him off or something?" Francis asked, and I shook my head. "No, this can't be; maybe there is more to it than we realize. He was drunk that night; how could he be able to do that?" I asked, confused, sitting back on the floor. "Well....maybe he meant to do it to someone else?" Francis asked, and I shook my head. "That could be a solution, but he gave you the book saying I gave it to him. Knowing I did not, he probably already knew we were switched."

"That does make more sense, but why you? That part doesn't make sense" Francis lay back on the floor, thinking. His hair was spread across the floor gently as he tried to come up with an explanation. "What if we confront him about it? I mean, we are friends," I suggested nervously. "NO!! What if he was plotting against you? Plus, how would you even bring it up or explain it?" Francis pointed out. He was right; this situation would probably worsen if we told anyone.

"I will figure a way to change us back with my magic, break the spell," I said, and he nodded at me. "Wait!!!! That would be too easy. If this was on purpose.....why would he do it to you knowing that you have magic to break the spell? It was obvious it was also aimed at you when he gave me the book. Yet he knowingly did it even though you would find a way to break it. Doesn't that seem odd?" Francis thought, and my eyes widened as I stared at him in awe.

"What is it?" He asked, confused as I smiled at him. "Oh nothing, you are pretty good at figuring things out, most definitely better than me" I laughed as he mocked a laugh from me. "I read plenty of detective books," he smirked proudly. "Wow? What kind? - wait!!! This is off topic." I shook my head, trying to snap out of it. "If that is the case, either he was too dumb to realize that, or maybe he plans for me to try and break it" I held up two fingers showing options. "If we assume that it is the second option...." I said, trying to think for a moment.

"He probably wants us to go to him" Francis, and I said in unison as we looked at each other. Our eyes widened at the unison sentence as we composed ourselves some more. "This is getting too much for me, honestly, and I need something to eat," Francis laughed, throwing himself back to the floor. "Me too," I added throwing myself back to the floor. "Want a bagel? I have blueberry," I asked, making him smile. "Arthur, you read my mind" he laughed a-a sweet laugh. It surprised me a lot.

"You like cream cheese?" I asked, and he nodded. "Can you toast it, actually" he added, and I smiled, standing up to head to the kitchen. This guy gets it; a perfect bagel he is. "Having a snack might help us think about this," I added, taking out a pack of bagels from the cabinets. "I was thinking the same thing" he stood up to look at me and placed the bread in a toaster.

"So about those detective books, I have been getting into Sherlock Holmes a lot, but I was reading Sam spade" he smiled, and I felt excited. "Wow, you are cool," I laughed as he shook his head. "If you say so" he laughed. "By the way, can I have your number?" I asked, and his eyes widened. "That was forward; we have only been friends for two days," he laughed. "Oh, shut it; it will be for emergencies. Besides, who said we were friends?" I smirked evilly as he pretended to be hurt.

"If you say so" he pouted, taking a napkin and his phone. He started to write down his number, sliding the napkin to me. "If you ever feel lonely at night, don't be afraid to hit send," he joked, making me roll my eyes. "That won't be needed," I laughed. The bagels popped out of the toaster as I placed them on a plate. "The cream cheese is in the fridge if you would like to grab it" I smiled. "Yes, officer sir!" He goofed, doing a salute to me.

After getting our bagels together, we took a seat at my table. "How should we bring it up to him?" Francis asked, and I honestly had no idea. "Maybe I can bring up the book? Or is that too forward?" I asked, and Francis looked confused as well. "Maybe.....we should pretend that everything is okay, then after a time, he will get anxious and come to us instead" Francis lifted a finger in suggestion.

"Wouldn't that take long, though?" I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders. "Is Yao an impatient person?" Francis asked, and I nodded slowly. "Just a little sometimes" I held my index finger and thumb together, gesturing that it was small. "Hmmm.... that's good enough for me. To see how long until he finally cracks. If we do, we have to impersonate each other extremely well" Francis looked at me seriously. "Right......"

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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