Chapter eleven

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Walking to the restroom, I noticed this guy would not stop staring at me; how annoying. As I looked sickly in the mirror, that person walked into the restroom. I hope they don't think I am sick from drinking and have not even started drinking. "If you are worried, don't be; I just need to cool off," I laughed nervously, turning to that person. He was doing something to the door before turning around. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking over his shoulder to the door. "That is good to hear," he chuckled, coming closer to me. This was getting extremely weird.

"Okay then, I am just going to go if you excuse me" I smiled, trying to walk past that man. He had a hat that was covering his face, and it was hard to see. "I like your hair" he moved his hand up as he took out scissors. "Whoa!!!! Put the scissors down," I laughed, backing away from him. "Let me have it," he demanded, and my eyes widened. "Excuse me? I asked, confused, and he started to chuckle more as he came closer and closer to me. "Back up" I tried to push him away, but he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"All this for hair? Just buy a wig, mate!!!" I yelled as I tried to free myself from him. "I want your hair! Give me your hair" he laughed a sickening laugh as I felt my mouth make a sickened and uncomfortable formation. He pulled my hair tightly as he pinned me down against the sink. "Stop it!" I yelled, trying to fight, but I was afraid he would stab me with the scissors in his hands. He lifted my hair over my face and started to caress my face in a weird way.

"You are perfect!" He laughed as drool fell on my cheek. "That is gross," I said, trying to kick him away. I have no idea why I feel calmer than I should be. Probably because I still feel unwell from the trip back to my body. "HOLD STILL AL-."

I opened my eyes, seeing that I had switched bodies again. Damn it! Now Francis has to deal with that man. I quickly put on shoes and ran out the door to the pub. Damn it; I am pretty sure Francis is the type not to want to fight someone. Suppose I will have to make sure my hair does not get cut off. After running for five minutes, I arrived in front of the pub until my eyesight went blank once more.

"Please! Stop! I am sorry," I heard a cry as I looked down. The man was on the floor quivering. What the hell? I looked around, and the scissors were across the floor, the mirror was broken, and I still had my hair attached to my head. I stepped away from the man and tried going towards the door, but he was in the way. What just happened? Did Francis do that? "Sorry mate, excuse me," I said, stepping on the man to get to the door. He groaned from the weight of my body as I opened the restroom door, extremely confused.

"Arthur! You are okay, thank god" Francis came running into the pub as I looked around, confused. "Francis? Care to explain what just happened?" I asked, concerned. That man was beaten badly; how did he manage to do that in five minutes? "I protected you; that's what happened," he said proudly as I still felt confused. "What is going on?" Ivan walked up to us, confused.

"A man just attacked Arthur, and you weren't there to help; that is what happened," Francis said, looking at him, annoyed. I looked at him, annoyed as Ivan was shocked. "You were? Wait, how do you know?" Ivan asked Francis as he smirked. "Because I will always protect Arthur..." Francis looked at him, smirking still as he pulled me closer to his chest. "Please don't touch Me," I said, pulling away. Ivan looked into the restroom and looked at me, shocked. "Wait.....That doesn't make sense; Francis just came right now," Ivan pointed out, making the both of us stop suddenly.

"Arthur, did you beat that man up?" He looked horrified. "Yes, now we need to call him an ambulance" I nodded, looking away as Francis agreed, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, that would mean our night out will be cut short?" Ivan asked, and I nodded. "No worries, we can do this again sometime," I said nervously. I never even got my drink; what a waste.


As we arrived at my home, Francis crossed his arms, sitting on the couch. "It would not have happened if you just stayed home with me" He started to sass as I lifted a brow. "Yes, but I could not say no last minute" I looked at him nervously. "Thank you, though..... I would have lost my hair back it matters since it is just hair..." I shrugged my shoulders. "Heh, wow, you said thank you for once" he looked at me, smiling brightly. "Never mind, I take it back," I glared, standing up. "No, wait!" He laughed, pulling me back towards him. "Let go," I said plainly, trying to get away, but he held onto me.

"I could not just let that person assault you, even if I would have recommended him to trim some off the eyebrow first. That does not matter; I would protect you no matter what; plus... I knew a few moves to use on him" Francis laughed as I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "I am going to bed," I said, leaving away from him. "It is only ten, though. Can't we hang out a little longer?"
"I will think about it after I shower."
"Okay, fine, I guess," he groaned as I turned away, chuckling at his childlike behavior. He was not that bad, if I am going, being honest.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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