Chapter fifteen

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I came into work on Monday smiling the happiest; I was going to kill Alfred. Today was the day I was going to do it. "Hey brother, judging by your smile, your date went well," he laughed as I continued to smile. "Alfred, after I told you I did not like Francis, you continued to set us up" I looked at him, and his demeanor changed quickly. "Well, I thought maybe-."
"This means I have to kill you now."
"What?! Why does everything have to lead to death for you?"
"Because you went against my wishes, like always."
"Oh, come on, Francis was telling Antonio he had fun. Did you not have fun?" Alfred asked, scared as I walked closer to him.

Hearing those words from him made me stop in my tracks and look at him Seriously. "He was talking about it to them?" I asked, and Alfred nodded, closing his eyes as if ready for me to kill him. "Yes, but he never mentioned your name."
"When did you hear this?"
"This morning, when I was getting coffee in the lounge area," he explained as I pulled myself back. So Francis did enjoy himself; I was a little worried this morning that he was not having fun. I am an incredibly boring person to hang out with.

"I did have fun...." I told Alfred walking to my seat as he walked behind me like a puppy. "You did? That is amazing!!!!" Alfred's fist pumped the air as he did a little dance in happiness. "Calm down, and it was not a date; we agreed just to hang out as friends," I explained, and his eyes widened. "Friends? Whoa.... you guys are getting pretty serious now," Alfred mocked as I started to glare at him. "No!" I shook my head, taking a seat.

"It is not like that, but we plan to go out again next Friday..." I explained nervously, looking away. "I am guessing your plan worked?" Ivan rolled his seat over to Alfred. Ivan sat at the next desk over, so it was easy for him to roll over to join us. "Wait! You knew?" I asked, and he laughed, looking away. "Yao knew as well. The plan was to watch you, but we decided not to last minute.....well Ivan decided it, but Yao and I still wanted to go" Alfred laughed nervously as I mouthed a thank you to Ivan.

It did not surprise me that Yao wanted to go; he probably wanted to see if we would talk about the body swap. "So next Friday, huh? It is a date now. It probably wasn't considered one Friday, but now it definitely is. ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE CAN FIGHT ME IN HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT!" Alfred shouted, determined as Ivan tried to pull him back down to his seat. We were starting to get stares from other people in the office. "I agree with Alfred on this one," Ivan shrugged, looking at me.

"Anything new happen during the hang-out?" Yao asked interestedly as I shook my head. "We just ate pretzels and watched seals," I explained as they all lifted an eyebrow at me. "Watched seals? That is a new one" Alfred laughed nervously, looking off. "Yes, it is," Ivan said, looking as if he were trying to picture it. "Yao! Let's go do it too!" Ivan chimes happily at Yao, who turned red. "Like hell" Yao shook his head quickly, trying to look away.

"Alfred....another thing, I invited Francis to your wedding as my plus one," I said nervously, trying to look away from him. I could feel the happiness in the air as his eyes filled with joy. "Yes!!!!! You guys will fall in love for sure."
"Stop saying stuff like that out loud!!" I said, shocked as he continued to laugh. "Whatever you say, brother!" He laughed so loudly that everyone started to look at us again. God, how did I get stuck being related to this guy?

"So you can't go out next Friday because you have another date? When will you tell us who it is?" I heard Antonio's voice making my eyes widen. We switched again when they were having a meaningful conversation. "Sorry about that," I said nervously. One of the rules we decided on is always to pick up the conversation even if we have no idea what is going on. So it does not seem suspicious. "They better at least be attractive after all this secretiveness," Gilbert laughed, looking at me. "Of course," I smiled, nodding my head. Gilbert and Antonio continued to talk to each other as I dazed off a bit.

"Can I borrow him for a second?" Yao came from behind me; he pointed to me. Gilbert and Antonio lifted their brows, confused, as they nodded slowly. Damn, I wonder what he wants. I stood up, looking across the office to see a worried glance coming from Francis as I followed Yao. "What happened?" I asked as we walked into the hallway. "Let's talk more in private...Arthur," he said, making my eyes widen. This is it!!!!! He is coming to us. I walked into a broom closet, and he followed behind me.

"Listen... I am sure you put the pieces together; this was my fault, I know.....but it is pissing me off that this is kind of backfiring on me" Yao shook his head as he crossed his arms. "Backfiring?" I asked, confused and his smile grew. "I did this to get back at Francis; I saw the both of you seemed to dislike each other a I took advantage of that. I figured he would beg me for mercy having to switch with someone he hates" Yao looked off, annoyed. "And you!!! You always acted like a dick to other people for no reason at all.....that pissed me off I guess it worked out" he laughed as my eyes widened, shocked.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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