Chapter fourteen

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"That one is super chubby," Francis laughed, pointing to an extremely big seal. "Reminds me of Alfred after he swallows his lunch whole," I laughed, making Francis look at me in a silly way. "When we switched the other day, Alfred mentioned he was getting married; who is it to?" Francis asked interestedly as we took a seat facing the water to look at the slippery seals sleeping silently. I mentally laughed to myself thinking about that sentence. "He proposed to his boyfriend a year ago after they had been dating since college; they met each other on a study abroad program," I explained, making him nod.

"Wow, That is amazing... I hope the person I marry is as lovely as the seals over there" Francis laughed, pointing to the seals, making me laugh. "Me too," I laughed out, shaking my head. "I am allowed to invite one other person. Would you like to go to the wedding with me?" I asked, looking at him as his eyes widened. "Really?" He asked, confused, and I nodded. "Sure....we are friends now, right?" I asked, seeing his face turn red. That was the moment he went from acquaintance to friend.

"Wow, I guess I can go with you," he smirked, looking away. "Don't make me change my mind," I laughed, nudging him. "Oh, look at that one!!!" He shouted, pushing me to look at a seal that was hopping to another seal. "I think that is the seal's girlfriend or boyfriend" Francis smiled as we watched the animal jump around another one. "Boyfriend?" I asked, and Francis shrugged. "Yes, Arthur, this is the twenty-first century, guys like guys," he sassed, making me remember the incident .....that horrifying time where I switched places right when he was watching porn.

"Do you even like girls?" I asked slowly, making him turn to me with widened eyes. "I had a feeling you would eventually ask that after what happened. To answer the question, I do.... but I also find men extremely attractive...hopefully, that does not change our friendship in any way," he said sadly as I shook my head quickly. "Of course not!!! Never! Absolutely not. I am the last person to judge someone for their sexuality" I shrugged, making his eyes widen. "No way! Arthur, you do like guys...I had a feeling but was not sure since you are so tough all the time" Francis laughed, making me turn to him, embarrassed.

"Ehhh!!!! Why? Do I give off a gay vibe?" I asked, feeling my cheeks turn red as he chuckled at me. "Just a little, whenever you get all blushy like this," he smiled at me, making me turn away quickly. I never realized that gave it off. "Whatever," I started to pout as I heard his annoying French laugh. "You are so cute when you do that," he hummed. "Whatever," I sassed again. "It is getting late. Shall we go?" He asked as I turned slowly to look at him.

"Yes, let's" I nodded, standing up beside him. "Hey, we should do this more often."
"Do what? Eat pretzels and watch sleeping seals?"
"Yeah, why not? Let's go again next Friday."
"Friday? Sure...if you want to."
"It would be an honor," he smiled, making me nod slowly. He is such a nice guy; I judged him before and never tried to get to know him. Now that I do, I hope to never think of someone like that again. He was a really.... good friend. 

My vision went black once more as I was now staring at myself. "Hello there," I laughed. "Ello Gov'nor," he laughed, making me shake my head. "Honestly, the stereotypical British words are not necessary" I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk. "Want to come to my house for dinner? I can make us something," he suggested to me. "Are you sure? If it isn't any trouble," I said nervously, and he shook his head. "Never, it will be my treat," he smiled, pulling me along. We both stopped suddenly as we both switched back again. "That is annoying."
"Tell me about it"  he shook his head, pulling me again some more.

Francis took me to his house for the first time......well formally, I had only seen bits of it whenever he and I would switch suddenly in the beginning. I was amazed at the sight; it was so well kept and beautiful. He had a few pet birds as well. "What are their names?" I asked, and he laughed nervously. "Pierre, Pierre number two, and Pierre number three," he laughed as I looked at him in shock. "Oh..." I laughed. He named all his birds Pierre. he smiled at me once more before he went into the kitchen to cook. His birds were lovely. "Just make yourself comfortable; I will cook something you like" he winked to me from the kitchen as I nodded, looking around his home in amazement.

After some time, he finally finished cooking, coming to me holding plates of food in his hand, smiling like an idiot."Bon appetite!!" He cheered as I started to chuckle. "Bone slap your knee!"
"Arthur.... why would you say that to me?"
"Bone, where's the beef!!?" I laughed, pointing to the potatoes. "Please stop," Francis begged, disappointed. "Bone apple tea," I laughed at him as he continued to look disappointed. "This is the last time I cook for you" he sat down as I continued to laugh. "No, it isn't," I laughed, eating the food. "You are right, and I will cook for you again next Friday after we watch the seals again" he sweetly smiled at me as I nodded.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and happiness as we learned more and more from each other. More than us staying with each other the last few days. It was a lot more different this time, we were actually taking the time to get to know each other, and it was nice.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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