Chapter six

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~third person POV still~
"Francis! You left suddenly with Arthur; it seemed like you would rather be with him," Antonio joked as he held onto Arthur's shoulders. "Non, there was some stuff we needed to discuss," Arthur said nervously as Gilbert started to mess with his hair. "Discuss? That was very proper," Gilbert laughed. Arthur gulped nervously as he began to feel drops of sweat on his forehead. "Really? Haha, why would you think that?" Arthur said, trying his best to act like Francis. "Okay...." Antonio said slowly, looking at his friend, concerned.

"Francis! I missed you at the party last night" a girl came running towards Arthur as he felt horrified. "Really?" Arthur asked as she held onto him. He had no idea who this girl was, and she looked at him like she was waiting for him to respond. "I have to think quickly," Arthur thought, trying to keep up his smile. "Hello," he laughed out nervously. He realized how terrible he was at trying to act like Francis. "Nothing I do will meet the standard of his obnoxious behavior," Arthur thought, laughing a bit.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" The girl asked, making Arthur nod hesitantly. "Yes, of course.....uhh."
"Emma," the girl explained as Arthur nodded nervously. "Yes, of course!" Arthur said as he started to receive concerned stares from both Antonio and Gilbert. "Hey, guys!! This is Ivan; he is new!" Francis came to the small circle as Arthur breathed out, relieved.

"Thank god you are here," Arthur whispered to Francis, who tried to hold up a smile. "I see you suck as always at trying to be nice," Francis whispered back, making Arthur glare at him. "YOU STUPID BITCH!" Arthur yelled, making everyone turn to him. They both looked at each other, staying still, turning slowly. "Francis? What is wrong?" Emma asked, making Arthur smile nervously. "Nothing, just a slip of the tongue," Arthur laughed out, looking to Francis, who was trying to hold in a laugh.

"Arthur?" Gilbert looked to Francis, trying to hold in a laugh. "Ahh aye, this scallywag of a lad here just don't know what he be saying," Francis laughed as everyone looked at him horrified. "Come with me," Arthur said, annoyed, pulling him to the side. "Why are you making me sound like a pirate?" Arthur asked, frustrated. "What are you talking about? This is how you talk," Francis tried to defend, but Arthur had a look of murder on his face. "I have never used the word scallywag before, you git," he said, annoyed as Francis snickered from Arthur saying it. 

"Stop making us look stupid," Francis shot back. "The only stupid thing is how I look right now" Arthur shook his head as he turned back to everyone who kept staring at them curiously. "If you excuse me, I need to show Ivan around" Francis laughed nervously as he started to pull him away from the perplexed group of people.

"Sorry about that-."
"Huh? Francis? Are you okay?" Antonio waved a hand in front of Arthur as he stopped his sentence suddenly. His face stiffened as he stared off, confused. "Francis?" Gilbert shook Arthur back and forth until he finally snapped out of it. "Huh? What just? How is this possible?"

Francis was back in his average body as he looked around for Ivan, who was not beside him. He could not explain what had just happened and knew he needed to find Arthur. Francis looked around and saw Arthur in the distance, holding onto his forehead, confused. "You good?" Antonio asked, concerned as Francis nodded his head slowly.

"Yes, I, I think I need a break. Excuse me" Francis waved them off as he walked to a nearby restroom. He did not feel the switch happen, it was like a blackout. Occurring in a blink of an eye. "Are you okay?" Arthur said, coming into the restroom looking worried. "Yes, I just wasn't expecting it as that," Francis said nervously as he continued to look uncomfortable. "At least we are back to normal" Arthur smiled at Francis, who nodded, agreeing.

"It just doesn't make sense either, Yao told me everything I needed to know, and I even got the spell book you lent him."
"Spellbook? That is odd; I don't remember something like that. Lending him a book, I mean" Arthur looked confused. "If I remembered something like that, I would have mentioned it before or even noticed," Arthur said, confused as their eyes widened. "I knew it was too easy" Francis shook his head. "Wait! You be serious! Why would he do this on purpose? Take the time and do that," Arthur said, confused as Francis thought about it.

"You are right. Yao was drunk," Francis pointed out as they both nodded. However, Arthur still thought it was odd. "He still told you that I let him borrow it. That does not make sense," Arthur said, trying to put the pieces together. "Well.... we are back to normal, so maybe.... we forget this happened?" Francis suggested making Arthur nod slowly. "Yes, you are right....besides, not like we enjoyed each other the whole time," Arthur laughed as he fixed his hair. "Yeah, hahaha," Francis laughed fakely, hoping Arthur would overlook the dread in his voice.

"I guess things can go back to normal.... see you around" Arthur smiled, walking away slowly. "I hope I never see you around" Francis smiled jokingly. "Not like I am begging to see you around either," Arthur shot back in a joking manner as well. "Bye... French bastard," Arthur laughed. "Bye, eyebrow demon from hell," Francis laughed as Arthur nodded his head, chuckling a bit before leaving the restroom.

Francis continued to sit silently before looking at the door that Arthur left through. Standing up, he fixed his hair quickly, leaving the restroom, not knowing that they were not alone in that room. From behind a stall sat a very anxious Yao who listened to every word they said.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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