Chapter thirteen

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So I agreed to go on a date Alfred kept pushing for... I figured since Francis was returning to his home, I could at least go out a little. Alfred sent me a place where we would meet up. We were to meet at pier 39 at nine tonight. The instructions said for me to wait outside Aunt Fanny's hot pretzels, so I started to go in that direction once I arrived at the pier. As I waited a few minutes under the sign, I heard a very loud gasp.

"Arthur?" I turned to see Francis there. "Hey, what's up" I smiled, looking at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked, confused. "Oh, well, Alfred set me up on this stupid blind date...that I still agreed to go to, I guess I thought maybe I should start dating" I laughed out nervously as his eyes widened. "What? Alfred asked me to go out on a blind date with someone he knew, and since I was making a bet, I said yes because I needed a date" Francis lifted an eyebrow as we both started to put the pieces together. "He set us up together, didn't he?" I asked as Francis nodded, looking down.

"Great...I am going home" I shook my head, turning away. I will kill Alfred tomorrow, murder him in the most brutal way possible. "Wait!!" Francis grabbed my hand as I turned to look at him, concerned. "What is it?" I asked seriously. "Let's go do something....." Francis suggested. I looked at his face as it seemed nervous. He was asking me to hang out with him or something..... this was honestly a waste, but I guess since I have nothing better to do. "Fine.... where do you want to go?" I asked and he breathed out, relieved. "Want to get a pretzel? And watch the seals?" He smiled brightly.

"I could go for a pretzel while watching seals....that would be nice," I laughed as he nodded excitedly. We walked into the pretzel place, and he looked at me again. "What?" I asked as we waited in line. "You really wanted to start dating?" He asked, surprised as I nodded. "Yeah..... I mean, it is not that I am desperate- since I am only trying now. I just thought it would be a nice change maybe..."

"A nice change? You do not want to be single?"
"Not that, I guess.... it is more of a wanting to settle down with someone I like; I guess maybe I am just an old man," I laughed out nervously as he stared at me sweetly. "Hmmm, I guess I kind of feel the same way," he laughed, making my eyes widen. "I know that look; hey, just because I "flirt" doesn't mean I am a player" he did air movements. "I get it; you are just very nice" I shook my head, laughing. "Well, have you seen anyone you liked?"

"No, I am hopeless till the end of time." He laughed, pulling his hair back. We were finally next to order our pretzel, which we were happy to do. "Here, let me" he smiled, taking his wallet out. "You sure?" I asked, and he laughed, nodding, Handing the person ten dollars. "I don't think you are hopeless..... a little obnoxious, but not hopeless" I laughed jokingly as he nodded. "Let's hope your eyebrows don't scare someone off from loving you, Arthur" he poked my eyebrows as I stared at him, annoyed.

"Well, aren't you funny"
"Arthur, I am extremely funny," he laughed as we suddenly stopped laughing. "Damn, That is annoying" Francis shook his head as he switched bodies again. "I guess it could be a problem to be in a relationship in this state," I said sadly. If we don't change back, I guess I can kiss dating someone away. "No worries, we will figure it out; besides, you said Yao looked as if he was becoming impatient; maybe that is a good thing," Francis stated, and I nodded. "You are right...but I am starting to think that maybe we should talk to him."

"I know....but who knows what he has planned" Francis looked at me sadly as he ate the pretzel in his hands. "It tastes good with cheese" I smiled as I grabbed the cheese to show him. "Now I am interested," he smiled, taking a piece of the pretzel to dip it into the cheese. "This is good," he smiled, eating more. "I know a lot of good food combinations...not to brag" I smiled, crossing my arms. "I believe you," he laughed. My vision went black as I was staring at the real him once more.

"Looks like we are back" he smiled, and I nodded. I just want to stay in my body. "So, do you like dogs or cats?" Francis asked, making me smile. "I like bunnies, actually" I laughed as his smile grew brightly. "I like birds," he added, causing me to nod. "They are pretty cool" we stared at each other before laughing at the odd subject of animals. "So... Alfred was telling me how he bet you that we would get together....and how you voted against it" I looked at him, smirking as he laughed. "It would probably never happen, so I bet against it."

"You do have a point; I guess he owes you money" I laughed as Francis nodded taking a bite out of his pretzel. "Wait....there is a date till the bet ends," he laughed, making my eyes widen. "Really? Till when?"
"We both agreed the bet ends in February, about three months from now."
"Ahhh, tell him he owes you now," I laughed, making him shrug. "A lot of things could happen in three months..." he looked off, smirking. "Oh, shut it, frog face," I chuckled, looking at him. Francis was so funny to be around and always knew how to make me laugh.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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