Chapter twenty-one

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" So you and Elizabeta, huh? when did that happen, and how?" I asked, trying to hold a smile up. He looked at me with a sly look before answering. "Well....she had been asking me for a while to go out, and I finally told her that we could since I was SINGLE," he said, emphasizing the word single. "Yeah....that's how it works," I laughed, looking at him. "I guess you are not worried about switching," I added, making him shrug. "I suppose not. Besides, she is nice to be with." He smiled at me in a cocky way as if trying to stab me.

"That is good...." I smiled. What exactly was he playing at with this? He looked at me as if expecting a different reaction. "Arthur? ....." I turned around quickly, seeing Lucile behind me. "Hey!!!! I knew it was you; I can spot that set of hair from a mile away," she laughed, jumping into my arms for a hug. "Hey, nice to see you," I laughed. I gave her a small hug before she happily hopped out of my arms. Francis looked at me with widened eyes, very confused. "My apologies, Lucille, this is Francis, Francis, this is Lucile. Lucile also speaks French." I pointed them to each other, making her smile brightly.

"Nice to see you are making friends," she laughed. I laughed as well, shaking my head. "I still suck at it, but luckily Francis here is helping me get better," I smiled, scratching the back of my head, Embarrassed. She was giggling at me as I continued to smile like an idiot. Lucile was a childhood friend of mine back when I lived in England. She is still funny as ever. Since she was older than me, she knew my brothers, and from them, I met her.

I looked over to Francis, still smiling as he seemed bothered. "Oh!!! Where is Alfred? That boy must be worried sick," she laughed. "Matthew felt the same....they are together over there, I believe" I pointed to the direction Matthew left in. "Ahhh, perfect, once Alfred sees me, his worries will go away," she joked. "Sure," I laughed. Lucile kissed my cheek softly before going in the direction I pointed to. I turned to Francis again, and he had a questioning face. "She a friend?" He asked, looking down at his drink.

"Yes! A childhood friend, actually" I smiled. "Oh, and the both of you were really close?" He asked, and I nodded. "I had a small thing for her growing up, actually, but now that I am older, I really have grown out of it, especially since I do like guys now," I laughed nervously, trying to look away. "What made you stop the crush?" Francis asked. "Well, besides the fact that I was more into guys, it was just a distance thing, I guess," I explained. "Wow....that is crazy. Excuse me for a second" he nodded, standing up. Francis walked to the restroom as I turned away from him.

I wonder what is wrong with him. I stood up to look for Alfred and saw Lucile looking frustrated. I walked in their direction, and she got happy seeing me. "Is everything okay?" I asked suddenly, seeing a moping Alfred on the floor. "Please get up, and it won't be that bad" Kiku looked at him, worried. "He seems to have gotten into a slump from all that sugar and worry" Matthew nervously looked at him. "Arthur, is that you?..."
"Stop acting like you have not seen me in years and get up!"

"But Arthur!!!"
"This is the one time to not act like a child" I shook my head, pulling him up to his feet. "You are to look presentable today, or else I will kill you, and then Kiku will kill you, and then Matthew, then Lucile" I dusted off his hair as he wiped his face. "Yes! You are right, and I got this" he smiled determinedly. He saw Kiku's family walk into the ballroom and looked as if he needed to throw up. "I don't know anymore," he said, looking nervously sick. "Damn it.... if we got you ice cream, would that help?"

Alfred snapped back into place, smiling. "Yes, sir, British nerd, sir!!!" He joked. All of us looked down, defeated by his motivation. "Arthur and I will get you some from the kitchen; just do your best to act presentable," she laughed, pulling my arm. "Yes! You got this" I smiled. Alfred looked at me carefully as Lucile dragged me off to the kitchen. I worry about that child sometimes. "What kind does Alfred like?" Lucile asked, opening the freezer. Luckily the kitchen was close by, so we could get the ice cream quickly.

"He likes chocolate," I smiled as she looked around for some. "Found it!!" She cheered, closing the freezer. "Great! Let's go" I started to walk off, but she stopped me. "wait!" She pulled my hand. "What is it?" I asked, confused. She looked around for a second before looking back at me. "Arthur....are you seeing anyone?" She asked nervously. I wonder why she would ask a question like that. I guess that seems to be the only question people know how to ask nowadays. "No, I am not" I nodded, turning around, but she stopped me again.

"Arthur I...."
"I LOVE YOU!!!" She yelled loudly before pulling me closer to her face.....into a .....oh god. My vision went blank as I looked around. I was outside the kitchen....looking into the window, watching Lucile kiss me. "Oh, shit!!!" I said, realizing we switched. Francis was still watching us!!!! How the hell did he know where I was? He must have tried to look for me. I walked into the kitchen as Lucile pulled away from Francis.....this was terrible. After a few seconds of shocked looks, especially between Francis and me, we switched back to our normal bodies.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️👀👀👀

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