Chapter twelve

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For the past three days, Francis and I have swapped places at least thirty times, that is ten times a day. I have noticed Yao becoming very impatient as we pretend everything is alright, even though Francis and I are losing our minds with this stupid spell. Even though this was the case, I think Francis and I have been getting closer. It has only been a week since this happened, but I see Francis as an acquaintance... which is not much, but it is much more than how I thought of him two weeks ago.

"Hey Arthur, how have you been lately?" Yao asked, trying to hold up a smile. "I have been excellent; what about you?" I smiled back innocently. Wait till I tell Francis that Yao did come to me today. "I have been good, just trying to figure some stuff out, I guess," he laughed, looking back at me in a confused way. "Listen, if you ever need to talk to someone about Anything, I am here for you," he chuckled. I nodded at him smiling. "Of course, no matter what," I added, giggling happily.

"So, have you and Francis already done the deeds?" Alfred asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Hey! You can't just ask people that; besides, he is just an acquaintance" I shook my head away from him. "Sure, dude, and Kiku and I are not about to get married, "Alfred chuckled as Ivan rolled his chair towards us. "You are getting married? How come you did not tell me?" Ivan asked, shocked. I looked at both of them, annoyed as Alfred told him the plans, even inviting him right then and there, handing him an invitation from his bag.

"I will definitely go" Ivan nodded his head excitedly. "As Alfred was saying, you can not just be acquaintances after spending so much time together" Yao butt in, looking interested. Alfred and Ivan stopped the side conversation as they both nodded. "Well, it is true, but it is a huge step from how I saw him two weeks ago," I explained, making them nod. "Besides, Arthur said he liked someone else" Ivan looked off, smirking as Yao and Alfred looked at me, shocked. "You do? Why?" Alfred said sadly. "WHAT? When did I tell you that?" I asked as Ivan lifted an eyebrow at me.

"That night we went drinking, you said you liked someone else, but you would not say who," Ivan said, and my eyes widened. He must have been talking to Francis, but that means....Francis must like someone. I thought he was not the type to get tied down by one person, but I guess I was wrong. "Oh yeah, I remember now," I laughed, scratching the back of my head. Yao looked at me suspiciously as he rolled closer to us to get in the conversation. "Who is it?" Alfred asked heartbrokenly. "Why does it matter?" I asked

"Because I was sort of rooting for you and Francis.....I even made a bet with someone" he looked down sadly. "You did? To who?" I said, shocked, as he laughed nervously. "Three people, actually" He laughed as Yao and Ivan stared at him with mouths open. "It is Kiku, Matthew,  and Francis...." he laughed out nervously as I felt my face get red from anger. "I understand Kiku and Matthew, but you bet Francis that he and I would get together?" I asked, frustrated as Ivan looked as if he was trying to hold in a laugh.

"To be fair, Francis bet against it," Alfred said sadly. "Knowing that you still bet?" I asked, and he laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "Well...I had hoped" he laughed nervously, trying to look away. "Well, I guess you owe him money now since it will never happen" I shook my head. "Oh, come on, dude, you and Fran-."

I blinked, looking around and seeing that I had switched places. This had to be the worst time to have switched with him. I turned around quickly, seeing him look back at me with an evil smirk. That bastard knows I will never be able to live this down. I need to move to another country, change my name, and maybe even dye my hair a different color.

I turned around, looking back to Gilbert and Antonio, who talked about who could quickly get a date. "So it is settled; the first one to get a date by tomorrow night is the winner," Antonio laughed determinedly. "A date? Boy or girl?" I asked, a bit interested in the game. "Yeah, man, go all out," Gilbert laughed excitedly. I know Francis is a flirt, but was he even good at getting dates from people?

After a few more minutes, I finally changed back into my body. Yao was staring at me hard as I blinked multiple times. "What?" I smiled, asking. "Oh nothing, you just seemed a little different a few seconds ago" his smile dropped as he looked at me keenly. "What? Nonsense," I laughed. "Aahhh, Alfred, it says here the wedding is next month, that is close" Ivan looked at the invitation.

"Yeah, I am so excited" Alfred smiled dreamily. He was seriously head over heels for Kiku. I would want a relationship like theirs one day, but with everything going on, I never really realized till now that I do not date...maybe I should change that. "That is great; hey Yao, let's be next" Ivan looked to Yao, who turned red and embarrassed. "As if," he huffed out, looking away; Ivan continued to stare at him happily. Oh, this was a turn of events. I looked over to Alfred, who was smirking at the situation.

"If you won't go out with Francis, you could at least go out with someone else."
"You are always rushing me."
"I know, dude!!!! I will set you up with someone, girl or guy?" Alfred asked as I glared at him. "Neither! Leave it alone" I shook my head. I would die from whoever he chose to go out with me. "Please!!!!! Just one date; I know someone you might like."
"Might? Heh, no thanks."
"I said no!"
"Just one date, please!"
"No! If you think I will go on a date with someone you chose,  you must think I m crazy" I crossed my arms, looking away.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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