Chapter : 03

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"Don't look at me with those eyes, princess; they make me weak."

Chapter : 03


The evening that I dreaded for arrived quicker than I expected. I kept my mind busy by cleaning up the house and cooking up for Nana. She was finally able to get off from her bed. The medications were finally working, and she was becoming healthier, just as the doctor said.

"Let me do that, Red." Nana came into the kitchen and grabbed the spoon away from me. I was mixing the salad for dinner.

It would probably be my last.

I gave the spoon to her and backed away.

"Don't you have to get ready?" She asked as she glanced at my clothing. I was wearing my old rags.

Scratching the back of my head, I looked at the time and replied, "I still have a few hours. I'm going to eat before I get ready. I don't even know what's inside that bag."

"Come on, go in the shower, and clean up yourself. I'll cook and set up the table." Nana said as she pushed me inside the washroom.

I tried to deny it all for days, but the reality was the truth. I was 18 now, and this was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

I switched on the shower and got inside. The dirt fell off my body as I took a relaxing bath.

Today was the day. The night of terror. The night of the blood moon. The night of mating.

Once I finished showering, I wrapped a towel around my body and dried myself off before entering my bedroom. My eyes looked over at the bag that I received from Mr. Thomas. I picked up the pieces of cloth from inside it and stared at it for a whole moment.

I wasn't going to wear this.

The cloth was nothing. It was made out of sheer material. It wasn't even a dress — maybe a dress for whores or wives who entertain their husbands in bed.

A cold knot formed in my stomach as I wore the dress. It barely reached to my thighs, and everything could be seen. The material of the cloth was so thin that I could feel the cold air rushing inside. My flesh was bluntly visible through the dress.

I glanced at the mirror and looked at my reflection. My eyes dilated with pain and fear for tonight.

Men were going to see me in this. I already felt dirty wearing this. I was exposed entirely.

I quickly grabbed the coat and wore it over the dress. It was able to cover everything except for my naked legs.

I paired it off with thigh-high boots so no flesh could be shown. I didn't want Nana to see me in this. Tears would come out of her eyes if she did.

"Red, are you done? The table is set, you can come to eat!" Nana yelled.

"I'll be there in a moment!" I shouted back as I tied up my boots.

At least they were able to cover something.

After buttoning up my coat, I walked outside and joined Nana for dinner. The taste of the food she prepared never left my lips.

"This is delicious!" I exclaimed.

I was going to miss this all if I was chosen tonight.

"I added a bit of salt," she winked at me before eating the food set on the table.

Once we were done eating, Nana and I watched the television. A knock landed on the door, and I jumped out of fright. My eyes glanced at the clock again.

It was 6:50.

They were here to take me.

"I don't want to go..." I trailed off as I grabbed my Nana's hand.

"Let me see, darling. Stay here," she got up from the couch and opened the door.

The stranger outside said, "We are here to collect Ms. Red,"

"Give a moment, sir." Nana closed the door and returned to me.

My heartfelt like it at the verge of popping out. My breathing quickened as I got up from the couch. Tears flooded down my cheeks as I embraced Nana.

"I will miss you," I cried.

Nana patted my back and then pulled away. Her hands reached up to my cheeks, and she wiped all of those tears away.

"Don't be scared and expect the best. No harm will come to you, I promise." She said.

"What if they choose me?" I asked.

"Then you come to me, and we will see what to do," she said.

"And if they don't, let me come to you then?"

"Then I'll break their legs and make sure they never see the sun again," she joked.

A peal of loud laughter burst out of me as I heard that. The tears stopped. I hugged Nana one last time before going with the stranger.

"Are you wearing the dress?" The stranger asked as he opened the door of his car for me.

I nodded my head and shoved my hands inside my pocket.

"Great! We will head for the cathedral then," he got inside the car and then began driving away from my house.

I looked out of the window and noticed the pitch-black sky. The only thing that shone in the darkness was the blood moon. It was bright red.

We reached the cathedral quicker than I expected. I was the last one to join the girls. Most of them were already blindfolded. They had a similar dress to what I had. Some of them were sobbing, some were smiling, and some were shivering under the cold weather.

A massive fire was set in the middle. The fire surrounded the girls. I looked around my surroundings and found no creature. They weren't here yet even though it was time.

I was taken to a woman who blindfolded me and then removed my coat.

My heart pounded against my chest. The hair on my skin rose as worry snaked through my spine.

A bell rang, and I flinched as the voice echoed through the town.

Footsteps of the town people began to fade away, and we were left alone to be taken by the creatures.

The silence grew tight with tension. The sobs came to an end. A trill of frightened anticipation touched my spine.

Suddenly, loud noises of engines and vehicles approaching us echoed. I bit my lips and played with the hem of my dress as footsteps walked towards us.

They were here in their human form.

The creatures were here.

They were here to take us.

I prayed silently to whoever was up in the sky.

"Please, not me," I murmured as I heard a couple of footsteps approaching me.

A tear soaked inside the blindfold that was wrapped around my eyes. My fingers quivered underneath the icy weather. My chest felt as if it could burst anytime soon.

The horror finally haunted me.

I choked a cry as a warm pair of hands cupped my face.


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