Chapter : 16

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"A queen's throne is at her king's lap,"

Chapter : 16

"What do you mean by in the human world?" I asked with a slight hesitation in my tone. Creatures and humans existed in the same world, didn't they? The only thing that was different was that the creatures were cursed, and we weren't.

"I mean that in the human world, his age would be 24. But I shouldn't be telling you his real age, you can ask him when he returns." Ben said as he quickly looked away from me.

"Where did he go? Didn't he have some council meeting?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him. Ben was covering up for Luciano who did go somewhere else than work.

"Like I said love, he has some work to finish. He will be back in a few," he repeated. "Anyways, tell me about yourself, how do you like our town, Brittleburgh and the Blackmaw castle?"

So that was the name of the town and the castle?

"What is the Blackmaw Manes?"

"It's a pack of wolves that reside here," he replied.

"And are there more packs across the world? Does everyone in this town belong to that pack? Is everyone a creature here?" I blurted out with fright.

"Yes, everyone in this town belongs to our pack. There are some visitors and some humans, but we avoid contact with them. It a werewolf town. Humans are aware of the danger they'll go through when they inside here." Ben explained. "And yes, there are more packs all across the world." 

"What dangers? What do you do with humans?" A shiver of terror ran down my spine. Brittleburgh wasn't too far away from Whitebridge. Any human could step inside thinking it was a typical, human town.

"Nothing, we don't really harm humans until they are hunters which is why we have patrols running at every entrance of the town." He continued.

Why wasn't this all explained to me earlier?

"And you pick girls from my old town," I sighed.

"We don't pick girls randomly, not unless they are our mates. It's a treaty that we have signed with over ten towns in Pennsylvania. We only take our mates," Ben said.

"And harm them," I folded my hands across my chest and looked outside while wondering about Lisa. Poor her. She got a frightening creature as a mate.

"We don't harm our mates, Red. Some of the wolves have a natural abusive behavior as we are naturally wild beasts. I heard what went down in the castle today. Derrick is not someone you argue with unless you are higher than him in position." He explained with honesty.

"The position of a Beta?"

"Yes. He earned that position years ago, and Vincent renounced him as the beta, but we were not aware that he had anger issues. There are only a few people that take away his position, and that's Luciano and Vincent himself, also the council."

"Who's Vincent?"

"Luciano's father,"

"Why don't you call him the Alpha or something? Everyone else calls him that..." I trailed off. I personally called him an old man in my head, but I didn't have the courage to bring it to my lips.

"He's my uncle, love, I can call him whatever I want too," Ben smirked and winked at me.

As soon as I heard a faint voice of Luciano, I immediately turned around and found him standing and talking to other men.

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