Chapter : 18

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"I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer,"

Chapter : 18

A knock appeared on the door. My heart throbbed as my pulse quickened. I quickly grabbed the long silk outerwear and wore it over my body. As promised, Valarie did get me a nightdress — a very vulgar one. It fitted me perfectly. I didn't even have to give her my dimensions or sizes. When I wore it, it hugged my curves like it was made for me. It was red in color, lacy, and short. Over that, I wore another long silky coat that covered me up for the time being.

Or until Luciano arrived.

"Who's there?" I asked while wearing the silky robe.

It was one in the morning when someone knocked on the door to my bedroom. I kept it locked as I didn't want anyone to come in and see me barely covered.

"It's me, princess." The thrilling voice sent shivers down my spine.

I quickly opened the door, and he stood there with a smile on his face. His glare promptly turned away from my face and onto my body. Thankfully, I was still covered.

"Where did you get that?" He asked as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I just got was your council meeting?" I asked as I got on the bed with him.

"It was good," Luciano replied while loosening the buttons of his shirt. "Did you feel bored? Did you meet your friend?" He questioned as he glanced at my direction. I leaned on the table beside the bed and played with the ends of my hair. I was more than a little nervous. Under his steady eyes and stiffened posture, I couldn't think straight.

"Yes, it was fine. And yes, I met Lisa."

The room was dark. Only a candle was lit, the lights were switched off as Luciano seemed tired. He had a drowsy look in his eyes, and I believed he wanted to sleep.

I got dressed for nothing.

I quickly jumped on the bed as he positioned himself to lie down.

"Take off your clothes. We need to talk!" I exclaimed as I got on the bed with him.


"Take off your clothes, I need to talk," I cleared my throat and repeated, but he still didn't seem to get it.

"Just talk like this," an uncertainty crept onto his expression as he said.

"No, you need to remove your clothes," I stated.

"Why, Red?" He asked, sounding tired.

It was now or never.

I got onto his lap and began unbuttoning his shirt. He immediately grabbed my hands and stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I shuddered underneath his touch as he gave me a cold glare. I slammed my lips shut as I realized what I was doing. "Red? What are you wearing?" He shook his head slightly before his hands reached out to the robe I was wearing above my undies. Panic gripped me from all sides as the silk robe fell on the bed, almost revealing my naked glory.

A wicked smile formed on his lips, and he scoffed, "Ah, now I understand." His eyes trailed down from my breasts to my legs. I was mad with lust, but Luciano had a raging beast of need in his eyes, yet he was able to control himself.

"Why don't you claim me?" I asked.

"Because you're too young right now," It wasn't the response I was ready to hear.

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