Chapter : 35

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"This cock is all I need, and maybe some air."

Chapter 35


"The castle was constructed four-hundred years ago by the Hanson's. Improvements were made when I married Vincent, almost a hundred years ago." Jacqueline explained as she walked through the vast hallways. I followed her behind quietly and didn't act surprised when I learned that she was a hundred years old — or maybe more. Who knew?

"How are you so old?" I hesitated slightly before asking.

"Witches don't die until they are killed. We have the magic to keep ourselves young and beautiful," she glanced back and winked at me, knowing I was also one of them. I was also a witch.


I could probably live for a hundred years as well.


"Who are the Hanson's?" I asked.

Learning about the castle and the werewolf traditions were a small part of the training. I was going to become a queen in a few days, and it was vital for me to know what kingdom I'd be ruling.

"The Hanson's were the first of them. They were the first of creatures created by God. They came into living years ago, when humans barely existed. Werewolves had the power to shift into wolves under the full moon. Hanson's were high in power, and they were also very well-known in the area. A hierarchy was drafted by the Hanson's. Werewolves were given positions in this world. Protector. Warrior. Omega. Lone wolf. Beta. And of course, Alpha." She explained.

"So, is Luciano straight from the Hanson's bloodline?" I questioned. The werewolves did have a monarch, right?

Jacqueline stared at me for a moment, and she shared a smile before chuckling. "Luciano Hanson. Vincent Hanson. They all are direct descendants of the Hanson's."



"I thought you must've known that to the least," she raised a wine glass along with her eyebrow.

"No, I didn't know."

"There is a lot you have to learn," she sipped on her red wine and turned around.

As we stepped inside her bedroom, I quickly recognized the strong scent — it was rich, and it reminded me of Luciano's father.

"What else do I have to learn?" I asked.

"Mainly the history of the werewolves. The most dangerous ones are lone wolves," she said. I hitched with surprise. My Nana was one of them.

"Why are they dangerous?" My Nana couldn't harm anyone. She stayed away from all of them.

"Because they are strong. They have remarkable strength, and it's almost like they build themselves off dust. A lone wolf doesn't merge with a pack — it can't ever. It's a quality as they survive without the help of anyone." She handed me over a big book.

Wolves and other creatures were plastered on the book cover. I was confused when I saw a half-man and a half-horse. Did creatures like these even exist?

"Are they other kinds of shifters?" I looked up at her.

"They are...many, many." Her eyes widened as she took another sip of her wine. "Although they are not in packs or groups and they do not have strength similar to a werewolf. Werewolves are strongest among shifters,"

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