Chapter : 08

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"I want you in between my legs,"

Chapter : 08


Heat curled down my spine as I followed the creature inside his bedroom. I wasn't able to utter another word after his savage response to my innocent question. I just wanted to know what I had to do here and what my job was, but his response shook me completely. He wanted me to sin.

The creature locked the door behind and came back up to me. He cupped my face and asked, "Now tell me how many men have been in between your thighs?"

My mouth hung open at his straight-forward questions. I didn't expect this all when I came here. I thought about different things – happy and good deeds.


"Really?" he asked, sounding surprised.

I nodded my head.

"Well, that's great, perfect for me. However, we have a little problem."

"What's that?" I asked with worry.

"As per the pack rules, the Alpha is only supposed to claim a woman who is a virgin and someone who hasn't indulged in any sexual activities." He said.

"I am," I said.

"I know that, but my kind has doubts. And with that body, no one is going to believe you." He stated.

I looked down at my body. Was there something wrong with me? My breasts did grow quicker than anyone else in the town, but I thought that was natural.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, with worry lacing in my tone.

"I want you to lay down and spread your legs for me so I can confirm that you're a virgin,"

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. "But I am." I never touched a man in my entire life, I stayed away from any kind of sin, and I never touched myself.

"Now, do want some old creepy lady physician poking objects inside you or do want me to do the honor and see it for myself?"

Objects? My eyes widened with fear as I shook my head. Defiantly not the old creepy lady physician.

"You," I replied instantly. A grin formed on his lips. "But you're only going to see, right? Nothing else," I asked.

"Of course, I am only going to see." He responded.

"Okay..." I trailed off.

The creature removed the coat off my body, and I laid down on the soft, comfortable bed. Taking a deep breath, I parted my legs open for me. He came down and sat in between my legs. His fingertips traced down the bare flesh of my legs as I quivered out of fright.

He's just seeing. I thought to myself and calmed my quickening heartbeat. His fingers curled around the edges of my underwear as he hovered his masculine body over mine. I felt myself shrinking underneath him. His wicked glare burned through me as the underwear came off.

I was still wearing the small piece of cloth Mr. Thomas gave me earlier. It showed everything as it was really thin.

The creature betrayed his promise as his finger ran through my entrance. I winced and wondered what he was doing to me. A shiver of anticipation ran through my mind as he moved down. I looked up at the castle ceiling and begged for forgiveness. I had already sinned too much.

Fire raced through my body as the creature parted the lips of pussy with his warm fingers.

Why was I feeling like this? My stomach knotted with pleasure as his finger ran through my delicate flesh once again. Was he teasing me? It was clearly working. I strained myself to moan out of pleasure, but I couldn't hold it back anymore.

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