Chapter : 10

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"Oh princess, your lips make my cock throb,"

Chapter : 10


As promised, Valerie took me to Luciano and then left. The creature seemed to be working or doing some sort of work. His mind was occupied while he was speaking with other men around him. I kicked my leg around, and curiously looked around the castle. The area I was in was secured by plenty of guards who were quite handsome as well. Being around a dozen of men terrified me. Back in Whitebridge, I avoided men, but I couldn't come to terms with what I was feeling here. Completely different.

"Red," the creature called out my name as he wrapped his fingers around my elbow. I turned my burning glare away from the guard and looked at Luciano. "Were you looking at that guard?"

"No," I blinked out of horror as I realized what I had done. I was swooning over a guard for over a minute. "I don't know what's happening. I am not like this," I quickly stated.

His grip around my elbow loosened. "I know," he replied. "I don't want you to be staring at anyone, or else I'll punish you in ways you can't imagine," he threatened as the depth of his voice changed.

"Yes, I won't! I promise!" I exclaimed as fear seared through me.

"That's like a good girl," he smiled. I fought to control my swirling emotions. I didn't want to be punished.

Luciano slipped his hand to my back and began walking towards the exit of the castle or what it seemed like the entrance. The pattern of the raven wolf captured my eyes again — why were they wolves at the castle ceiling.

"We will be going to our house," Luciano said as we stepped out.

"Why not here?" I asked.

"There are too many men here, and I can not control your heat." A muscle in his jaw twitched as he responded. A hollow wrapped itself around me as soon as his touch was lifted from my back.

I wanted him to keep touching me.

"But you said you could claim me, and this all would go away, right?" I asked.

"You're not ready," he sighed.

A car stopped in front of us, and he opened the door for me. I went in and sat down. I looked over at the castle for the last time, even though it had been a day, I would miss it. Its beauty would linger in my mind for years.

"For what?" I asked Luciano as he stepped inside the vehicle.

"My house, please," he said to the driver before turning his attention back at me. "You're not ready for my monster, princess."

"What monster?" I asked.

A growl erupted from his chest as he shook his head in disappointment. How was I supposed to know what his monster was? Did he mean the beast he had inside him? The creature?

"Oh, Red, why do you have to act like this sometimes." He slapped his hand on my thigh, and I flinched out of surprise.

"But you didn't say which monster? Are you referring to the creature inside you? If that's so, then I'm not ready at all, and I won't be ever!" I exclaimed.

I didn't want to see him turn into a creature. I didn't want to see anyone turn into that. It was horrible and frightening.

"I don't mean that, Red. I mean the monster that's inside my pants, you're not ready for that. I can't claim you yet. You have to grow a bit older." Luciano explained.

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