Chapter : 39

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"Go ahead, touch it." 


The day of the coronation arrived soon. People - or I must say creatures were gathered all around the town and the castle. The past few days had been lengthy and quite tiring. Not only I had to do training with Jaqueline, but I had to also learn other things. There was still so much more left about this world that I didn't know but now it was too late to learn anything. Three guards were kept outside my chamber and Valarie stayed by my side at all times. I couldn't understand why I needed extra protection - one guard was far more than enough. The men outside my room were big, bulky and handsome without a doubt but I maintained my control.

'Touch any of them and your ass will red just like your name,' Luciano's words ringed through my head whenever I looked at any of them. I was young and horny, of course, I was going to feel something for men but I did have control.

The crowning ceremony was set to start in a couple of hours. It seemed as if the whole world was getting ready while I was tiring to finish my self by reading an erotic book that I found somewhere. It had been over three days since Luciano had given me his cock, I didn't know how much longer I could bear. He was usually out for the most of the time and only came when I was dead asleep - again left for work or meeting early before I could even wake up.

"Ms. Red, if you are done with whatever you're doing, could you open up so we can start with dolling you up?" Valarie asked through the door. It was locked as I was touching myself.

After coming, I quickly threw away the book, cleaned myself and the sheets before opening the door and finding Valarie with two other servants. Valarie was still serving me as I begged Luciano that I only wanted her - she was sweet and amazing in all ways. I didn't feel comfortable being touched by anyone else.

"We are getting late, Ms. Red. You have to quicken up," Valarie said as she allowed the other servants inside the room. They came along with other things that I was supposed to wear later today and surprisingly, they were all dress for the day while I was still on my nightclothes.

Valarie ran a bathe for me immediately after she stepped inside. After cleaning up, I was shoved inside a corset which was later hidden by a beautiful, velvet gown that was brown with red embellishing. My locks were pulled down, straightened and my face was covered with a little bit of makeup. The dress I was wearing had a shoulder cut so my breasts were visible for the first time ever. I wondered how Luciano would feel about this - he didn't like me showing my skin at all.

"Where is Luciano?" I asked Valarie when I was all dressed up. We left our chambers and I was taken down the hallway to Jaqueline as she requested me to meet her before the coronation.

"He must be getting ready," Valarie responded.

We stopped in front of a door that led to Jaqueline's room. Valarie knocked on the door and only after we were allowed to go in, I went in but alone. Jaqueline wanted everyone else to leave, including the guards who hadn't left my space since morning.

"You look wonderful, Red." She said as she walked towards me. Her face was awfully pale and even with all that magic, she looked like she had seen a ghost.

The excitement disappeared as I began to get worried, "Is something wrong?"

"There is something you need to know..." She trailed off. I was completely clueless about what she was about to say. We bonded over the past few days very well. I liked her very much as she reminded me of Luciano.

Luciano's dark side came from his mother and his soft side came from his father as Vincent was a gentleman. It was Jaqueline who was smart and slightly wicked.

"Remember, I told you about the Crocs, the family of hunters that reign in the northwest of Pennsylvania?" she asked.


"To diminish the chaos, the news hasn't broken out yet and no one is aware of it except for a few wolves, Luciano and Vincent. I was informed earlier today by one of my men that the hunters have a new game. Instead of wanting Vincent or Luciano, they want you. I am not sure whether they knew that you're witch or not but chances are they might come after your family." She explained.

My eyes widened with surprise and I took a moment to get control over my emotions. Not my Nana.

"While they can't touch you, they might threaten you directly and manipulate you into things. As a queen, you have to be very careful about your every step. The castle is guarded and no one is allowed inside without any permission. But I fear for your family. You mentioned your grandmother would be arriving here, today?" She questioned.

I nodded my head, "She must be here by now," I said with a little bit of panic growing inside me.

"Let's hope she is. I will speak to the guards and ask them about her. You shall go now. It's your time," Jaqueline said. She pressed her hand against my cheeks and continued, "I am so glad it was you, Red. I am sure Luciano will keep you happy, forever."

Worry rippled through me as I was escorted back into my room for final touches. It made sense now. Luciano restricted me from leaving the castle. I couldn't even step out in the garden. He also assigned three guards to me and kept Valarie to my side. It was all because there was a family of hunters running behind me for my blood.

I didn't have time to worry about my self. I was more worried about Nana. I wondered if she ever reached the castle or if something happened in the way. A knock landed on the door and Valarie jolted up to open it. Through the reflection of the mirror, I found Nana standing outside - all healthy and perfect.

A smile formed on my lips and I immediately stood up, "Nana!" I exclaimed as I rushed towards her and hugged her. I sighed and whispered, "I thought something must've happened to you,"

"Why would you think that?" She asked.

"Just like that," I narrowed down my head and held her wrinkly hands. I wasn't going to let her go anytime soon. She was going to stay in the castle for as long as I wanted too.

This was my kingdom now.

I could easily wrap Luciano around my pinky - or wrap myself around his. Either way, I was the queen of the wolves. 

Updates will be twice a week now, once on Tuesday and once on Thursday's! Thank you for all the recent comments I'm getting, it's just making my quarantine so much better. Read the full book on patreon;

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