Chapter : 30

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"When it's so good, you're shaking."

Chapter : 30


We had enough time to do the deed. According to the neighbor, my grandmother wasn't going to come back any time soon. I just needed a couple of minutes all with Luciano so I could fulfill one of my dirtiest fantasies. I never thought about sex or even having it for a long time until I met him.

"Oh, princess, you're so naughty. Letting me fuck you in your own bed, nice." Luciano said before wrapping a hand around my throat.

I gasped for my breath as his grip tightened. It didn't feel bad at all. It actually felt great.

We entered my bedroom, and I locked the door behind me, so if there were any possibility Nana would come back home earlier than expected then she wouldn't have run into me doing dirty things with Luciano. God. That would probably be the last thing she ever wanted to see.

My body didn't feel like it belonged to me – especially when I was around Luciano. He had control over my body, my soul, and probably my heart. I immediately began undressing as soon as we were alone. The dress slowly come off, and then everything else.

When everything came off, Luciano grabbed me roughly and kissed me as he couldn't control anymore. After all, he just watched me strip naked.

"Enough of teasing, princess." He groaned against my lips before pushing me down to the bed and removing his own clothes. I didn't even start with the teasing. It felt so good when he touched me again, when his hands circled around my breasts and when placed sloppy kisses on my flesh. As he suckled on my nipples, I begged him to take me, in whichever way he liked. The air around me suddenly thickened and got warm. The heat in between my legs grew as I saw a glimpse of his erect cock. Oh, how badly I wanted it.

When Luciano got over me, I stopped him and turned around. "I want too..." I trailed off.

"You want what?" he asked, confused.

"Be on the top," There was shame in my tone, but I had no idea what else to say. I wanted to feel him inside me from another way, and that was being on the top.

"Oh, you want to ride me?" he grinned before grabbing my ass and lying down on the bed. A cheerful smile appeared on my face as I viewed his godly perfection clearly. My eyes were blind with desire, and at that point, I didn't care, about anything at all except for Luciano.

A thirst formed inside me as I touched his sleek muscles and admired the couple of scars he had on his body. I leaned down to his lips and kissed him. His warm tongue slipped inside my mouth, and his hands groped my ass cheeks, spreading them wide open.

My nipples hardened against his chest as I felt his cock poke against my pussy. Ragged breaths came out of me as I slipped away from the fierce kiss.

The cock was magic, it grew thicker, harder, and longer than I ever imagined. I wrapped my tiny hand around his hardness and raised my hips. I withered as his cock stretched my insides. I slowly slipped the rest of it in and watched it sink inside me.

With a pleasured cry, I rode his cock and fed his hunger. His hands skimmed along my ass while he watched me quiver in pain and pleasure.

A thick scream escaped my lips as I felt closer to an orgasm. I quickly grabbed his hands and wrapped them around my throat. Getting the idea, he choked me while I rode his cock.

The sensation sizzled through every part of my body, and with a surprised jerk, I came onto his cock.

And he came inside me, all over again.

The faint noises of someone entering the house reached up to my ears, and I quickly moved away from Luciano while breathing heavily. I was still out of my senses, and my legs were trembling with what I had just received.

"Don't tell me that's your grandmother," Luciano said as he wore his clothes.

"Red?" I heard Nana call out my name.

"Fuck," he whispered as he grabbed me and quickly dressed me up. The dress was challenging to put on and take off. It was a unique dress that took a while to get on.

"Quick!" I exclaimed to Luciano as he tried to zip up my dress from the back. "She's going to kill me," I cried.

"What the fuck is this shit?" He struggled to close the dress. After several tries, the dress zipped up, and I was all covered.

"Don't you know how to zip up a dress?" I asked him as I reached out for the door handle. Thank god, I locked it.

"Shut up. You asked to be fucked here, knowing the danger that was lingering outside." Someone sounded angry.

"Well, I didn't know that she was going to come back so soon!" I slapped my hand on his chest for yelling at me.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"Red," Nana came towards me and hugged me tightly. Just beside her, there was Ben who was holding three bags of something.

"Where were you? I was waiting for so long," I asked as I pulled away. Well, I wasn't waiting entirely.

"Oh, I was in the market. I wasn't going to come until a while, but this man found me and told me that you were here, waiting for me, so I hurried back!" she explained while pointing at Ben who was standing beside her.

Smooth move, Ben.

I hope you liked this chapter! You can read upto chapter 70 on Patreon: The book is almost finished there.

After going through a couple rounds of edits, I'll be publishing the book in paperback soon! I'll update you guys for the exact date in the coming month.

I'll be giving out a few free copies to some of my Wattpad readers that have been active in commenting and reading this book! I find time to read all of your comments and it's wonderful! Thank you!

I'll be picking up a few more users soon! For now,

Thank you @/dxmure_ for all the great comments! You'll be receiving a free paperback author copy when RRTA has been released.

And last but not least,

I found another image of our Red running away from Luciano.

Also Red two minutes later

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Also Red two minutes later.

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