Chapter : 41

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"Sometimes. I really want to rip off your clothes."


A cold terror gripped me in its icy embrace as chaos spread across the throne room. The heavy breathing of the wolf who had bitten Vincent echoed in my ears. I turned my eyes away from the body that fell in front of me and looked straight into the werewolf. His canines were out, saliva was dripping from his mouth and the terror in his eyes escalated. He lunged forward, once again, to rip me in shreds but before he could attack me, another one of the wolves hunched over him and kept him down to the ground. The other wolf was bigger and stronger compared to the one who had bitten Vincent.

"Clear up!" Luciano screamed at the people who were already rushing out of the throne room. I looked to my left and found his crown resting on his throne. It took a moment for me to move from my space as I was still frozen by the recent event that occurred in front of me.

Vincent groaned and clutched onto his hands. Jaqueline ran to his direction and leaned down. "He's bitten. I am going to take him to the healing room," she said to Luciano.

The chaos hadn't calmed down but the screams appeared to be gone. Wolves and guards were circled around the black wolf that had bitten me. He was kept down and everyone else was gone, leaving me alone with the men, Jaqueline and Vincent.

I felt a stern tug on my shoulder, "Go with my mother," Luciano said to me.

I found the strength to get up and leave with Jaqueline and Vincent. My heart hammered as I looked back and found Luciano with the wolf. The scene was brutal as the wolf was injected with something that snapped him back to his human form. I couldn't look for another second so I turned around and walked along with Jaqueline.

We reached the healing room soon. Hospital beds were spread across till the end. There were a few nurses and as soon as they saw Vincent walk in, they immediately ran to his direction. He laid down on the bed, still groaning and in pain.

"It should heal," He mumbled.

Jaqueline held onto his wound tightly so no more blood could be lost. Worry spread across her features as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"He's not healing. You have clear up the room, Red. Ask everyone to leave," she instructed.

Barely anything could come out of me. My hands were shaking with immense fear but I found the energy to ask the nurses to leave us alone. As the queen, they accepted my order and walked out immediately, leaving us alone. I closed the door behind and walked over to Jaqueline who had her eyes closed.

During my training, I learned that wolves could naturally heal from another wolves bite but Vincent seemed nowhere to be healing. His condition was getting worse, he could barely keep his lids open.

"Reviactus," Jaqueline murmured. She was saying a spell but that wasn't working either. "Reviactus," she repeated again in a stern tone. The energy from her body was being lifted but it wasn't helping Vincent. His condition simply worsened with every second.

"It's not working!" Her lids opened and she whispered while looking into my direction. She moved away the cloth that Vincent was wearing and the nasty bite was swelling and spreading.

"It's poisoned. You can't do anything," Vincent uttered.

"No, no, this can't happen." she cried loudly. My heart wrenched at the sight of them. This couldn't happen.

"It's a fatal bite. I need Luciano, I need to speak to him," He breathed out heavily.

"No!" Jaqueline exclaimed. "I am not going to lose you," she stated while clutching onto his arm once again and repeating the spell. "Reviactus,"

Time was passing by in front of my eyes and Vincent was probably going to die. Some bites were poisonous but I wasn't aware much of what it could do and how these poisons were made since nothing ever affected werewolves.

"Let me try," I blurted out. Jaqueline looked at me, the wild fear in her eyes was replaced by confusion. There was no time to waste so she handed me the task.

At the sight of blood, I felt nauseous, as if everything in my stomach was going to spur out at any moment. I wrapped my hand around his arm and held it tightly. I had barely any idea how to do spells since I never learned any of them.

I closed my eyes and repeated the spell name, "Reviactus,"

A flash of blood pouring over the cement walls appeared, it was followed by a scream and a small boy being plunged with a knife. A scream escaped my lips and I moved back out of fear. What I had seen was terrifying but what I felt after uttering the spell was worse. It was almost as if my insides were being ripped out by someone.

My eyes flung open and I came back to reality. Vincent laid in front of me but he was no longer in pain. I moved my quivering hands away from him and found the bite healing.

It worked.

My mouth hung open with surprise and I looked at Vincent who was confused. I had done something terrible. The witch inside me cascaded out as soon as I said the spell. Jaqueline warned me not to practice witchcraft and so did Nana. However, I had done it.

"Please, don't tell Luciano," I begged.

This could still stay a secret if Vincent didn't speak about it to anyone. The door flung open and a group of men walked inside. I flinched at the sudden voices and moved back.

"Is he fine?" Luciano asked his mother as he sat beside his father and looked at his arm. It was healing but it would take some time.

"Yes," Jaqueline looked at me and then nodded her head. "The bite was poisonous and it didn't heal until I did a spell. I know they are strict rules against practicing magic but this was necessary," She took all the blame on herself.

Luciano glanced at his father who nodded his head and agreed to Jaqueline. I sighed out heavily and walked out of the room.

The act I did inside the room was hidden but I wasn't sure for how long till either of them told Luciano about me.

Practicing any kind of magic was forbidden - especially inside the castle walls. It was the main reason why Jaqueline left her throne and her husband, werewolves couldn't accept a witch as their queen, I doubted they would ever accept me if they knew. The fear was a living thing inside me now.

But for now, the secret was safe. 

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