Chapter : 11

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"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination,"

Chapter : 11


After taking a bath, I was allowed to wear the usual clothing that Nana gave to me before I left. It showed a bit of a skin, but at least it was comfortable unless like the dress. I wasn't royalty. I was just a normal girl from a town that ran under the creatures.

"Were you able to find my friend?" I asked Luciano as I stepped inside the eating room.

Valarie got me food, but I didn't eat it until he spoke. I wanted to know what happened to Lisa. Did she get someone nice? I was slightly thankful that I got Luciano as my mate, he was somewhat nice and somewhat evil.

"Yes, I know who she is mated to." His expression was a bit gloomy as he responded to my query.

"Who?" I asked as my heart jumped with excitement. "Can I see her? I want to see her," I stated.

"I don't think she's allowed to meet anyone," he trailed off.

The mischievous smile on my lips faded away, "Why?"

"Well, she is someone's mate, and if her mate allows her to meet, only then I can let you, otherwise, no chance." He explained.

My mouth hung open in my surprise. I looked away from Luciano. I wanted to see Lisa; she was the only person I cared about right now.

"But I want to see her,"

"That's enough, Red. I told you, if her mate allows only, then you will be able to see her." The storm returned into his eyes as fury gripped him.

I gulped down and nodded my head, "Whatever you say," I murmured before eating my food.

Now I had to find out who was Lisa's mate.

The creature soon left the house as he had some work to do, and a morning run to complete. As soon as he was gone, I went up to Valerie.

"Do you know my friend, Lisa? She was taken from the town last night," I asked.

"Lisa, I haven't heard that name before. What does she look like?" Valerie was doing the dishes when I stepped inside.

"She has golden hair, blue eyes, and she's pale. She was wearing a red kind of dress last night. I wasn't able to see who took her, but it was one of the creatures," I explained while remembering Lisa.

"I'm assuming that's girl is with the Beta,"

"The who?" I raised an eyebrow at her response.

"The Beta, he's second in command after the Alpha." She said. So, Luciano did know who took her.

"Do you know where I can see my friend?" I asked as I leaned on the kitchen counter.

"The beta resides with the former Alpha in the castle itself so you might find her there," she explained. A wicked smirk formed on my lips as the air thickened.

"Can you take me to the castle?"

"Alpha strictly said not to take you outside this house, I am sorry, Ms. Red."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Come on. It won't be an issue. I am just going to go see my friend, nothing else."

Maybe Luciano was worried that I would swoon over other men at the castle, but my urges were in control. I wasn't going to lust over anyone except for him.

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