Chapter : 20

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"I want to discover your body with my tongue,"

Chapter : 20


Vincent Hanson and Jaqueline Pimentel Leitão

Luciano's parents were over a hundred years old. A gasp escaped my lips as I recounted the dates. How is his father still alive? My grandmother was around the '70s, and she could barely breathe because of heart issues.

Jaqueline Pimentel Leitão

Where was Luciano's mother? I hadn't seen or heard anything about her since I came here. Was she even alive? I placed the frame back inside the drawer and looked further to find a cellphone. I picked up the phone and switched it on, hoping it would work. When the light came on, I jumped in excitement and sat down on the bed.

I didn't have much idea on how to use a phone, but I learned a few techniques here and there. Nana usually used a phone and kept one beside her at all times. I ringed her number up to see whether she would pick up or not.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice made it's way to my ear.

Joy bubbled up inside me as I replied, "Hello, Nana. It's me, Red."

"Red," she cried in surprise. "How are you? How did you get to call me? How is everything? I have missed you."

"I miss you too. I found an old phone lying around, so I used it to call you. And, I am fine. How are you? Are you taking your medications on time? You sound sick," I said with slight worry. I had to keep my eyes on Nana at all times. Mayor Thomas promised me that he would take of her when I'd be gone. I doubted he was doing any of that.

"I am fine, Red. Just the seasonal sickness. It's getting really cold and lonely here. It feels like you have been gone for so many months even though it has been just a few days." My Nana replied.

My eyes narrowed down in grief, "I know, I feel alone here too."

"What happened? Where is the Alpha?"

"He's busy...attending other women. He doesn't want to claim me, Nana. I feel like something is missing in me," I replied.

"No darling, nothing is missing in you, you're perfect. And what do you mean by he doesn't want to claim you? What are you doing there then?" she asked.

"That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. Luciano said that he wants me, but he has shown no initiative. I doubt that he will ever claim me," I said.

"Oh, Red, that's disappointing to hear. If the Alpha then claims you, then I suppose you leave and come here, right?" There was a hint of hesitation in her tone like she knew what would happen if Luciano didn't claim me.

"I don't know, maybe."

"What do you want?"

"I do want him, but he isn't showing any interest. I don't know what to do, Nana. He's really nice to me and treats me well compared to other creatures around here. I am just scared that I will be left alone if he doesn't claim me." I explained as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"You won't be alone; I am always here for you. If you really want him, then I'd suggest doing something, something that can push him to claim you." She suggested. I couldn't tell Nana that I already tried. I wore lacy undies for Luciano, but he still didn't claim me, he didn't even bother to do anything last night.

My heart jumped out of fear as someone knocked on the door.

"Red," It was Luciano.

"I have to go, Nana, I will call you later. Goodbye, I love you." I quickly whispered before closing the call and throwing the phone under the bed. Luciano couldn't know that I spoke to Nana without his approval.

I cleared my throat and got off the bed. Panic welled in my throat as I approached the door. What did he want now?

"What do you want?" I asked as I leaned closer to the door.

"Open the door," Luciano replied.

It was locked, and I wasn't going to open it.

"Go away. I am not opening the door." I stated with a bit of fury in my tone. He could go back to whatever he was doing for the past six hours.

"Red, please open the door. I need to talk to you!" he exclaimed.

"I don't want to talk to you. Go away!" I repeated.

The silence lingered around for a bit. "If you do not open this door right now, I will have no option but to break it."

My heart raced as I heard his threat. I quickly reached to the door handle and unlocked it before opening the door. Luciano walked inside with rage storming in his eyes.

"What is this all?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just want to be alone," I replied. I felt small in front of his muscular body, which continued to hover me.

"When I say you something, you obey and listen to it." He stated.

"I don't care," I blurted out. "I am not yours, and you can't give orders to me,"

Luciano's anger gaze swung over me as he replied, "You mine, and the quicker you accept it, the better. I don't have to claim you in order to make you mine. And you better start fixing that attitude before I do something that's going to harm you,"

I was backed up to the wall by him. My chest rose and dropped in fright.

In a small, frightened voice, I replied, "No, I am not yours."

"Yes, you are."

"No," I fought back with the tears that were all ready to burst out of my eyes.

"Yes," his voice had a challenge–a challenge I was ready to accept.

A wicked thought ran over my head, and I quickly moved away from Luciano and stood beside the guard who was outside my door.

"If I were yours, I wouldn't have done this," I stated before kissing the guard beside me.

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