Chapter : 25

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"Tease me until I am begging for it,"

Chapter : 25


Luciano walked out of the washroom, naked and wet. His private bits were covered in a towel, but I couldn't stop myself from studying every inch of his glistening body.

"Stop eye-fucking me, princess." He warned.

I gulped down the thirst and immediately looked away from him. "I wasn't doing that..." I said quietly.

"I can see what you want," After Luciano wore his clothes and buttoned them up, he came towards me and circled his arms around my waist. I melted into his touch as pleasure rose between my thighs and stomach.

Imposing an iron control over my feelings, I took a deep breath and acted calmly. "Not always,"

"You doubt me, princess?" he asked.

"" I turned around and moved his hands away from my body. I needed to focus. "I need to see Nana," I said.

His straight glance filled with curiosity as he raised an eyebrow at my demand. "I haven't decided whether I want you to meet anyone or not," he replied, coldly.

"But I want to see her, you promised me that you would let me see her whenever I wanted too," I argued as I folded my hands across my chest.

"I never promised anything, Red. I will let you see her when I want you too, otherwise, it's a no." He replied. I stiffened under his withering glare. Something changed.

"I want to see her," I demanded, loudly.

"I said no, so no. Take no for an answer," Luciano replied before wearing his coat.

I leaned back on the wall and watched him walk out of the room. I scoffed as his words rang in my head. There was no way I was going to listen to him.

"Well, don't be surprised if I run away..." I whispered as his footsteps disappeared into the castle halls.

I had to see Nana, there were so many things I needed to ask her. Mainly, I wanted to know what happened to my parents and the truth behind this all. She wouldn't hesitate if she were already telling the truth, but I can always catch a liar through their words and movements.

"Ms. Red." Valarie knocked on the open door as she saw me.

"Yes?" I straightened my back and came back into the bitter reality.

"The Alpha has asked me to prepare you for tonight," she stepped inside the room with two other young girls by her side.

"And what's tonight?"

"You don't know?"

"No, Luciano barely tells me anything." I scoffed.

"Oh, the former Queen, will be arriving from England tonight. There is a small celebration that the King has prepared for her," Valarie explained.

My mouth hung open in surprise, "Wait, I thought she was dead or something?!" I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth after hearing what I just said.

"No, Ms. Red, she is still alive. Although no one mentions here in the castle." She placed her hand on my back and directed me to a chair. "Sit down, and we will get started,"

I sat down, and the two other young girls began combing my hair.

"Wait, so why doesn't anyone talks about her, and why does she live in England?" I asked. I could definitely learn a few things here and there from the former Queen.

"The former King and Queen separated long ago. Mrs. Jaqueline lives in England with the rest of her family. She left her throne long ago, and the werewolf world doesn't concern her." Valarie explained.

"Why? Isn't she a creature too? How can someone leave their throne?"

"Well, Ms. Red, anyone can. This position comes with a lot of responsibility and danger. Mrs. Jaqueline didn't want to be a part of this world, so she left after giving birth to Alpha Luciano. However, she comes by every now and then." She explained while undoing the dress I was wearing. The dress fell off my body, and I stood bare in front of three females.

"So, is she a human?" I asked, with curiosity lacing in my tone. It would make sense if she were a human. I would feel a lot relieved knowing that the former Queen was also a me.

"No, she's a hybrid, a form of two creatures," Valarie replied.

"Oh," I sighed.

Hybrids were the most dangerous form of creatures. They had sensorial and mysterious powers, combined with the instincts of a wolf.

Well, the queen was someone I needed to be careful of.

My arms were locked with Luciano, as it was our first appearance in his world. However, I refrained from speaking to him after our conversation earlier. Until he didn't take me to my Nana, I wouldn't talk to him. The former Queen was on her way to the castle. Luciano seemed slightly excited as he was going to meet his mother. Under the orders of the council, I was going to be forced into training for a whole week before the coronation. The training was mastered by Jaqueline Pimentel, the Queen herself. The training was supposedly going to teach me how to be a Queen.

A lot of things were going to be revealed in the next week, but before any of that, I needed to see Nana, I needed to make sure what I was.

The castle's drawing room was filled with males wandering around. I took a seat by the corner and drank my juice while Luciano spoke to his men. The room was furnished as it was the early 1800's. A golden glass chandelier hung from the ceiling of the room. Egyptian carpets were scattered all around the room. The couches were cozy and comfortable. Decorated lamps were placed on every side. There was a massive sitting area that was occupied by the males while we all waited for the former Queen's arrival.

Under the commands of Luciano, the males were forbidden to glance at me, so I was left entirely alone. Even Lisa wasn't around as this was only a very private, family meeting.

A siren blew, and I flinched out of shock.

"Jaqueline Pimentel Leitão, the former Queen and Luna of The Blackmaw Manes." The host announced.

In respect, everyone got up, and so did I.

A beautiful woman who seemed to be in her late forties walked in through the wooden door. Her skin glistened underneath the golden light hung up. Her womanly figure was wrapped in a golden dress filled with crystals and diamonds. The crown settled on her thick locks shimmered as her eyes turned towards me.

Something unusual flashed through her face before she smiled at me.

"Is this my son's mate?" she asked the crowd while placing her cold finger underneath my chin. She had a strong aura, a sense of control, and the authority of someone who was impossibly strong and dangerous.

Underneath her, I trembled.

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