Chapter : 04

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"Those lips are made to sin,"

Chapter : 04


"Mine," he scowled with anger.

With a pang, I realized, I was chosen. The shocking truth slammed into me with full force. My body froze, and so did everything else. The time stopped for me as the blindfold was ripped away from my eyes.

"Mate," he uttered while looking straight into my dull eyes.

Utterly repulsed, my lips quivered as I swallowed the bile in my throat. His stiffened posture didn't move; he stood and didn't flinch. His icy glare weakened me. Sorrow shredded my insides as tears flowed down my cheeks. The misery finally broke through me as reality hit me once again.

"No," my lips quivered as I trembled underneath his touch. I couldn't be his mate. I couldn't be mated with anyone. I wasn't able to swallow down the truth, so I denied it each time it hit me.

Disappointed leashed on his sharp features, his thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he stared back at me.

"No," I repeated again as I pushed his hands away from my face.

Desperate tears spilled down my cheeks as I tried to find a way out of this. I looked around and found a way to run, but before I could, the creature grabbed my arm and pulled me into his warm wrath.

"You'll be coming with me," he stated, a muscle in his jaw twitched as he made himself clear. His body, his features, and his voice had authority among the creatures — it wasn't too hard to see that.

A cry broke the ever-lasting silence, followed by a scream. I looked over his shoulder and found women being grabbed and taken by the creatures. They weren't gentle at all. They were being taken away. A lot of them had found their mates.

Even Lisa.

The girls were shoved inside the cars and taken away from the town. It all happened so quickly that I couldn't believe it anymore. For a brief moment, I thought that I was hidden behind the cathedral like every year. Nana and I watched the girls taken on the night of mating. We wept and prayed for them while they were ripped apart from their families.

Until today.

I didn't know that it was going to happen to me. For so long, I thought that this day wouldn't come for me as I always had Nana by my side, but today, I was alone.

All alone, in the hands of a creature.

"No," I fought again, but his hand never left mine. His fingertips dug into my flesh as he tugged me towards his body.

A frightened gasp choked out of my throat, and he wrapped his hand around my neck.

"You're coming with me, do you understand that?" He asked. His tone was velvet, edged with steel. It was stern, just like everything else on him.

He had a pair of captivating red eyes that darkened by every second that passed by.

I looked into the eyes of a creature.

"No," I cried helplessly while shaking my head. "I don't want to go,"

His grip on my neck loosened, which allowed me to breathe. The tears didn't stop. They continued for as long as I could remember. My thoughts were invaded, my future was destroyed, and I was going to be ruined.


"I won't harm you," he spoke in an odd yet gentle like tone.

I stopped struggling and looked him in the eyes. "I don't want to go," I repeated.

"You have to come with me; you're my mate. I give you my word. No harm will come to you." He sounded assuring, but I wasn't agreeing.

Creatures didn't have humanity — or did they?

"I want to go to my Nana," I begged.

"And then you'll willing to come with me?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Yes," I lied.

Of course, I wasn't giving in.

Nana must have some way to get me out of this. She promised me, and now it was time for her to live up till her promises. She wouldn't ever let me go with a creature.

The creature released me from his wrath. I looked around as the ceremony came to an end. People walked out of their houses, sobbing and crying for the daughters who had been taken. Most of the girls were gone, only a few of them were left behind. Most of the creatures were also gone. They all came in similar clothing, a long black coat or a jacket.

As Lisa said, the creatures were beautiful. There was no doubt in that. Maybe that's the reason why God made them a creature in the first place. Beauty came with a price.

"Go sit inside the car," my mate ordered me. I looked to my left a found a car waiting for me. It wasn't the ones we had in town. It was a new model with large wheels.

The tears slowly stopped, and so did the ache in my heart. I was going to my Nana. I was going to see her.

I turned around and headed towards the vehicle. The cold wind of Whitebridge hit me. I was still partly naked. I swallowed the sob that rose up in my throat and wrapped my arms around my shoulders. My fingers didn't stop trembling.

It was too cold.

Footsteps approached me once again. I stopped on my tracks and turned around to my mate. He removed his coat and pulled it over my fragile body. A powerful feeling oppressed him as he buttoned up the coat. It was way too big.

The man got back at me after covering me up. His chiseled chest and ripped muscles appeared under the moonlight. He was beautiful, yes, but there was a coldness inside him.

The door slammed closed as I got inside the car. The driver seated in front of me and waited for my mate's orders. I stared at the darkness in front of me. It was enveloping me in its outrage.

Faint voices reached up to my ears. I quickly turned around as I saw Mr. Thomas speaking to my creature. I couldn't well make out what they were talking about, but after a handshake, the creature turned around and walked towards the car.

The entrance of the cathedral began to clear up. The cries slowly disappeared into the night, and so did the girls that were captured. None of them could be seen again.

Lisa was gone as well.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest as the door of the car swung open. He walked inside and seated beside me — only an inch away. I gathered myself in the corner and tried to keep the distance.

"Where to, Alpha?" The driver in the front asked.

Was he a creature too? He did resemble the other men.

"Where do you want to go?" The man named Alpha asked me. That couldn't be his name. The word Alpha itself referred to someone who was dominant socially. It was a tag, not a name.

"My Nana...she lives in 20th street," I pointed towards the left. My voice barely made its way out of my throat.

The driver began driving away from the cathedral and into the town's gloomy darkness. A lot of cars passed by, faint screams could be heard every now and then. My heart throbbed for everyone who was taken and chosen — including myself.

"What's your name?" The creature asked.

I lined my lips and didn't utter a single word. I wasn't going to talk to a creature — let alone a man I didn't know.

"I won't repeat myself, mate. Respond, or I'll take you away as the other wolves did. Then don't say that I didn't show any mercy." His words hit like a sharp bullet.

"Red," I whispered immediately, not wanting to be treated like the other girls.

"That's your name?" He asked.

I nodded my head and then I heard my name roll off his tongue.


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