Chapter : 42

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"Making you horny and making you smile are my two favorite things."


A couple of hours had passed by since the ceremony and the attack that the rogue did. He was captured, turned, thrown into a cell and tortured until he would spill what this all was for. I stayed by my father's side for the rest of the morning and watched him heal. I hadn't seen my father in this condition for decades. It occurred to me that something was going to be wrong in the initial ceremony because of the threats we had received from the Crocs. earlier. I had increased the security and took every measure to make sure no one would be harmed.

Only the council members, the people who lived inside the castle and my men were invited to the ceremony. It was closed to the public because of the danger. Even after all this, someone got hurt - my father got hurt.

"Luciano, I am fine, you need to let me go. We have to take care of a lot of things and I don't want to stay here for another moment." My father argued as the nurse wrapped a bandaid around his wound. It had almost been healed but according to my mother, it was poisonous, and she needed to cast a healing spell in order for my father to survive.

"You need to rest, father!" I exclaimed as I got on my legs again. Enough mourning was done for one day. "I am not going to allow you to move from your chamber,"

"Silent! This is still my kingdom and I am your father so you have to obey me. Take me to the cell, I need to speak to the rogue," He stated as he got up with me.

I glanced at my mother who didn't say anything, "Could you please tell him to rest? He needs to be on the bed, not a cell." I asked.

"Well, Vincent has healed so I don't see anything wrong. The reports are clear and his heart rate is normal. If he wants to see the rogue who bit him, then let him see. We still have to declare the attack to town and we need a reason for why the rogue attacked us. Let your father speak to him," She explained while folding her hands across her chest. Ugh! There was barely anything I could do when my parents supported each other.

"Alright," I gave up arguing with them.

"Shall we go then?" My father asked while holding onto his bruised arm.

"Of course," I scoffed and turned around to leave the healing room.

The healing room was one of the oldest rooms in the castle. It hadn't been demolished or changed. Everything inside the room including the medicines and the herbs dated hundred years ago but since they were made by a well-known creature, they couldn't rot or expire. We still used these medicines under certain circumstances. If it weren't for my mother, I wasn't sure whether my father would live or not.

While on the way to the cells underground, I stopped and got a hold of Valarie. For a moment, I almost forgot that Red was my mate and now my queen.

"Where is Red?" I asked her.

"She is in her room with her grandmother," Valarie replied.

"Oh, okay, well, make sure she's alright. And don't let her leave the room, it's not safe yet, we need to run a check on the castle grounds." I ordered. Forgot one more thing. "And if she asks about me, tell her that I am busy and I will see her in a few hours."

"Yes, Alpha, anything else?" Valarie asked.

"No, that will all be."

As Valarie started leaving, my mother got a hold of her and she went along with her. It was suspicious how much time my mother spent with Red. I knew it was part of training but they seemed to be attached in other ways as well. My mother despised werewolves, humans, and anything else apart from witches since she was a witch herself. She found humans weak and stupid so the excess time she spent with Red was getting more suspicious.

"Let's go?" My father's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I snapped and went towards the stairs that led us to the underground tunnels of the castle. Most of these tunnels were closed when the renovation went down a hundred years ago. However, they were still many passageways that led to different places.

One of the tunnels led to the cells where we held prisoners, rogues or anyone that had disturbed our peace and this mutt did worse than disturbing. He almost killed my father. I would be surprised if he walked out of here alive.

My father walked inside the awfully smelling cell and looked straight at the mutt who was shackled to the wall.

"Got anything out of him?" I asked Ben who had been assigned for the questioning as our own beta, Derrick, was occupied in taking care of other matters.

"All he has said that he came here for the queen's body and he won't leave without killing her," Ben replied. A chill embraced me as I heard those words. What did they possibly want from Red?

"Do you recognize him? How come we weren't aware of his scent?" I questioned.

Ben shrugged, "I still can't smell anything except for a usual wolf. He doesn't smell like a rogue so there are chances he shifted and entered the castle under a spell that diminished his rogue scent."

"I know him," My father interrupted.

I quickly looked into his direction and raised a brow, "He worked for the pack almost twenty years ago but then he was banished as he tried to kill a child." My father explained.

A smile crept on the rogue's lips as he laughed at my father.

"Hello, Vincent. I am surprised how you are alive after taking my bite," He growled and grinned.

My father's hands were soon wrapped around the rogue's throat, choking him and bending him to our rules. He had to be aware of who was the stronger one here.

"What was the poison?" He asked as he slammed his head to the metal wall. I was surprised by how quickly my father regained his strength. Just a moment earlier he laid limp on the ground and now, he was alright.

What did my mother do? What was that spell? Was it strong enough to heal a wolf? I had never heard anything like that ever.

"The poison was for the little queen," The rogue slicked his tongue out as he uttered the word, queen. My father punched the man and blood spilled out of his mouth.

"I will take care of this," I said to my father as I moved him back. He couldn't use all his energy here. I was the king now. My father could rest for how long he felt like. "Ben, take my father upstairs, I will get the information out of this rogue," I ordered. 

Check out my other stories: Submitting To The Bully and The Alpha's Desire. To read the full book, head over to my patreon,

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