Chapter : 23

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"I want your cum,"

Chapter : 23


I melted into the warmth of his hands skimming around my wet body. Each touch from Luciano sent an exciting chill down my spine. A new desire, a new passion, assailed me while he showered me. I tried to stop myself from enjoying this – his touch, his embrace, and his caress, but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't help myself from falling in love with a creature.

Luciano wrapped a warm cloth around my body and carried me back to the bedroom. "Can you dress up, or do you want help in that as well?" he asked as he pressed his chest against my back. His hot breath hummed around my neck as he spoke.

"I need help..."

He chuckled and moved back, "That's too much, Red. I will send Valarie to get your clothes." He said before wearing his coat. "I will have to leave the castle for a bit, but I will be back. Don't be naughty, and don't try to kiss anyone else." He sniped a cold glare in my direction.

"Yes," I nodded my head.

"Because next time, I won't be so forgiving," he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheeks and walking away from the room.

My hair was still soaked wet. A moment later, Valarie walked inside the room with a pair of new clothes.

"Good morning, Ms. Red. How are you feeling?" she asked as she came to my direction.

"Numb..." The medicine worked. It turned my entire body numb to the point I couldn't even feel my fingers.

Valarie laughed and removed the cloth from my body, "Did you enjoy last night?" she asked with curiosity. She didn't seem so surprised when she looked at my body and the marks.

"Yes, it was fun," I replied truthfully. Apart from all the pain, feeling Luciano inside me was the ultimate pleasure. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Ms. Red, go ahead." She said as she tied up the dress and covered me up.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Really? Do you love him?"

"Yes, I do."

"And does he love you back?"

"Of course,"

I flinched with pain as she pulled the comb down on my tangled wet hair. "I am sorry,"

"It's okay," I patted my scalp and then returned back to questioning Valarie. "Do you think every mate will love their other half?"

"I believe so. It's the most beautiful thing that can happen to creatures like us. Eventually, we all come around loving them. However, sometimes it simply doesn't work out." She explained as she combed my hair.

"What happens if it doesn't work out?"

She took a deep breath and replied, "Then, the mates are free to do whatever they want, mate with anyone else, and live their own life. That's how lone wolves are formed."

"Lone wolves?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Wolves that do not belong to a pack. Most of them leave due to not being with their destined mates and other reasons, the majority of them are running away from their mates." Valarie explained.

I opened my mouth to ask something else, but she placed her hands on my shoulder and stopped me. "You shouldn't be worried about this all, Ms. Red. You are the queen now," she patted and smiled at me.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows wrinkled together.

"You are the queen now, Ms. Red."

Confused, I didn't know what to say.

"Alpha hasn't spoken to you, right?"

I nodded my head. Luciano didn't mention anything about being a queen. It made absolutely no sense.

"You have been claimed by the Alpha. He has accepted you, and so has his world. Under the commands of the council and the former Alpha King, the crowns will be passed on to the new King and Queen by the end of this month." She explained.


"Oh, Ms. Red, you're confused!" Valarie sat on the table beside me and said, "Alpha Vincent was the King of the Alphas. Alpha Luciano is the firstborn and the only child to the King and the Queen. We were all waiting for him to claim his mate and then his throne,"

"Oh," I breathed out. That was a lot of information. "So, wait, I am the Queen?"

"Yes, Ms. Red. After the initial coronation, you will be crowned as the Queen," Valarie was more excited than I was.

I was a little confused since I didn't know what my position was and what I have to do in this position. The last time I asked Luciano, he told me that my only duty is to keep my legs open for him.

"I am the Queen then," A chuckle escaped my lips as I looked at my reflection.

I am the Queen.


Once I was finished with getting ready, Valarie and I went downstairs to the hall where the breakfast was being served. Yesterday, I came here alone, unclaimed, jealous, and slightly horny. Today, everything seemed to be changed. However, Luciano wasn't around.

The breakfast was short and fulfilling. I spoke to Lisa while his mate glared at me. At this point, he couldn't stop me as I was his queen.

After eating, I walked with Lisa around the gigantic castle walls.

"I can't believe that you're going to be the queen!" Lisa exclaimed as we entered the dark hallways where the curtains were still closed.

"I can't believe either,"

"A human queen to the werewolves, now that's something I never thought about." She shook her head in surprise.

The human thing ticked me off as well. Why would Luciano mate with a human like me when he had a hundred other female wolves?

"It's weird, Lisa." I looked outside the glass windows.

"What's weird?" she asked as she stood beside me.

"Luciano knows that I can't give him a child because wolves and humans do not breed together. He also knows that I am a weak person with barely any knowledge about the world. Yet, he claimed me. He had so many other females he could have mated with, but he chose me, it's unusual, Lisa." I explained.

"It doesn't seem too unusual, Red. Maybe you're not a human, and maybe he senses that," Lisa made the worse assumption that could ever cross her mind.

"What do you mean?" I glanced at her direction and asked. "I am a human!"

"Are you really sure about that, Red?" she asked. "Your granny is an old woman, beyond old and yet she's healthy. All your life, you lived with her, and you never knew who your parents were."

"But I know, my parents died in a rogue attack in December 1989, a few years after I was born," I replied.

"That's what your granny said. It might not be the truth, Red." She shrugged.

The silence enveloped in the empty hallways. With the new doubt, I stared at the forest outside the castle.

Was I a human? Or was I creature like them?

I had no vivid memories of my parents. Nana told me that they died when they went out of the town one day to get some meat for dinner. They never returned, and neither did their bodies. I was bought up and raised as a human. Up till the age of twelve, I stayed indoors and took care of her. When I grew older, I started going out and talking to a few people here and there.

But not once, I wondered about my parents.

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