Chapter : 29

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"Open your legs, I have a plan!"

Chapter : 29


"Good morning, Mr. Vincent and..." I took a deep breath before continuing. "Mrs. Jaqueline." Looking at her bought memories of last night. Everything she said about witches wasn't a joke.

"Good morning, Red. Have a seat," the old man said.

There was a private breakfast only for the king and his family which was Luciano, me, and his parents. It was a secured room with a large food table that was covered in delicious dishes. The servants were standing by the wall just in case either of us wanted anything that wasn't there.

"Red and I will be going to Whitebridge after this," Luciano said to his father.

"Why? Her training has to start. We can't delay it anymore." Vincent argued. What was I supposed to be trained for? A queen? What kind of training do I have to even do for that position?

"I know, but she wants to see her grandmother before the ceremony, and I can't deny her wishes," he said before sharing a glance at me.

I smiled and looked down at my food. There was way too much. The whole table was filled with food. I wasn't even aware of the name of the dishes.

"Alright, but be back before dawn." His father said.

Jaqueline stayed quiet, however, her strange glances at me didn't stop. Nervously, I kept looking at her, and she looked back at me.

She cleared the throat before saying, "Red, when you're back, I want you in my chambers. There are a few things that you need to learn before you become a queen."

I nodded my head.

"The coronation will be on this Friday, early in the morning. The servants will prepare you for the day. There will be a lot of creatures. Don't get scared." Vincent spoke to me.

Scared? My heart was pounding against my chest, and my body was shaking at the thought of being crowned in front of a hundred creatures. They were more than terrifying.

"I will try," I smiled at him before eating my breakfast.

"Jaqueline will go through the responsibilities you will have in the future, and if you still have any questions, you can ask her." He looked at her and then at me. I saw a hint of love in their eyes.

Why weren't they together when they still loved each other? It was visible. They still cared for each other. The picture I came across earlier was a hundred years old, it must've been at the time when they first met. They were so in love. Luciano was the outcome of their love. It wasn't surprising how he was so gentle with me all this time. He was taught by great people.

After the little conversation, they returned back to their duties, and I went back to my room to get dressed. I was going to see Nana after so many days. Excitement rushed inside me, but along with it, came worry and tension.

Valarie strapped on a dress after giving me a bath. She combed my hair as well and made me look perfect. Once I was ready, I was taken downstairs where I met Luciano. I found him talking to his friend. What was his name again? Ben.

"Are you ready?" Luciano turned around to me and asked.

"Yes," I nodded my head.

"Well, then, we should leave. It's a long ride to Whitebridge."

Luciano held the car door open for me. I stepped inside and sat back while he sat front with his friend, Ben. Wait. Why was he coming? I thought we were going to go alone.

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