Chapter : 24

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"I am pretty sure I deserve a spanking,"

Chapter : 24


I wandered around the castle, restlessly and confused. My mind refused to register what Lisa said. My Nana couldn't lie to me. If we were creatures, then I must've known. We couldn't be.

"Red," Lisa patted on my shoulders and pulled me out of my thoughts. "Don't overthink it! I just said it all because it made some sense, but I don't know, you should go ahead and ask your granny if you're confused."

It did make sense. Why would I be mated to an Alpha — the king of the Alpha's — if I was a human?

"I will talk to her, thank you, Lisa," I said with a distracted smile on my face.

"Hey, don't think too much, okay." She hugged me. How could I stop thinking at all? There was a small chance that I could be a creature — a goddamn werewolf. "I should head back now. You know Derrick doesn't like it when I am with you, or anyone in a matter of fact." She pulled away and said.

"Has he harmed you since then?" I asked with worry.

"Not really, he does curse a lot and tries to hit me, but he has calmed down since the Alpha spoke to him," Lisa replied.

"That's good. If he ever does something, tell me, yeah?"

Lisa nodded her head, and then we shared our goodbyes. I was soon left alone. The right end tower was located close to my bedroom. The further I walked, the quieter it got. The castle walls were thick, and they seemed to be made out of heavy timber and wood. It seemed to be built hundreds of years ago since everything looked antique and old. I glanced out of the tall glass and looked at the crowd wandering around the gatehouse and the footbridge. My inspection came to an end when I found a woman, a very familiar woman speaking to other men just outside the castle.


I wasn't going to believe that Luciano delayed claiming me because of other reasons. The reason was visible, and it was Charlotte.

"Oh, hello," Charlotte said as I approached her.

"Hello," I couldn't keep the smile for another moment.

"Congratulations on becoming the queen," she breathed out. Her eyes directed towards the mark on my neck, the claim. "Well, he did finally claim you."

My lips curled into a smile, and I nodded my head, "Thank you and yes, are you surprised that Luciano claimed me?"

"A little bit," Disappointment was smeared all across her face.

The men around us walked away as soon as I came out of the castle, so it was just Charlotte and me.

"Nice try, but don't try again. Luciano is mine now, so better keep your hands away from him. He might have feelings for you, but they are all gone now," I replied.

"How are you so sure about that, Red? Luciano and I lived like a couple for over three years. I am sure he still has some love for me," she winked at me.

It angered me. The way Charlotte spoke about Luciano angered me. My boil boiled as my vision blurred. I saw red after that.

"Listen closely, now unless you want me, your queen, to renounce your position as the alpha's mistress, you will keep your distance from Luciano, or I will rip away any dignity you have left. Do you I make myself clear?" I was surprised by my own words.

After threatening Charlotte, I immediately moved back and dropped the grip I had on her elbow. Dread spread across her face as she looked at me. Unable to say a word, she walked away.

That wasn't me.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my head nervously. I never acted like that before. I wasn't cruel, but Luciano turned me cruel. The feelings, the emotions I had for him changed me into an entirely different person. A person I couldn't recognize anymore.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the gates of the castle were lifted, and a car drove inside. Luciano stepped out of the car alone and headed inside, but I went to him before he could go.

"Red," He said as soon as he saw me. "What were you doing outside?" He asked as he looked at the people around me, making sure I didn't kiss any of them.

"Nothing, I was just getting fresh air," I said nervously. I didn't want Luciano to know that I just threatened Charlotte, his ex-girlfriend.

"Really?" He asked as he leaned closer to my lips.

The fresh scent of mud and grass reached up to my nostrils. It seemed like Luciano just stepped out of the forest.

"Yes, what were you doing, though? You smell dirty." I had no other words to use.

Luciano laughed at my question, "I was out for a run. Did you have breakfast?"



Luciano and I walked inside our bedroom, and he began undressing. I chewed the edges of my nail while glaring at his magnificent body from a distance. I couldn't take my sinful eyes off from his rippling muscles.

No, Red, enough sinning for one day.

"I am going to take a shower, princess. I will entertain you once I am done," he turned around and said.

"Can I join you?" I asked out of the blue but then backed away immediately. I was still sore from last night. But I couldn't help myself. I wanted him inside me once again. I wanted him to fill me up with goodness.

"What?" Luciano asked as he furrowed his brows.

"I mean..." I looked down at my clothes and tried to find a good reason to shower with him. "I am also dirty. I need a shower too."

"Really?" His eyes skimmed down my body, trying to find something dirty.

"No, actually, I am fine. You go," I stopped being desperate for one minute. I couldn't tell Luciano to touch me all the time. It wasn't going to work like that. I needed to control my sexual urges and feelings. Just because I had sex once doesn't mean I have to have it again.

"Alright, I will be out in a few. Don't leave the room," he stated before disappearing inside the washroom.

The pool of wetness between my thighs had to be stopped. I couldn't be wet by just seeing him naked.

Control, Red.

Red spitting fire 🔥👅
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