Chapter : 32

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"I like it when you tell me I'm yours,"

Chapter 32


Silence wrapped inside the house as I continued to look outside. My breathing quickened with fear of the future.

"Do you think he will do something?" I asked Nana. He wouldn't harm her, and I was sure of that, but there were other creatures who could harm my lovely Nana.

"If you become the queen, he cannot touch me without your permission. He seems to be sweet with you. I doubt he would hurt me in any way." Nana explained, sounding a bit too much assured.

"How do you know he's sweet with me?" I raised an eyebrow. I barely spilled anything about Luciano to Nana, so how did she know?

"I can see it in his eyes. He has love for you. They all do, Red." She smiled at me as her eyes pierced into my soul, dangerously. There was a new emotion that spiraled through my heart as I heard Nana. Did Luciano love me? I never thought it would come to the point of love. We were still bundled up in the mess of mating and having continuous sex to fulfill our desires and heat.

"Red," Nana shook me out of my thoughts. "You don't have to be worried about him or me. You have to worry about yourself. You can't practice witchcraft!" She exclaimed with true horror in her voice. What was so dangerous in practicing witchcraft?


"Because that will alert other creatures that you're a witch. Luciano may accept you, but his kind will never. Wolves will never accept a witch as their queen." She stated, sounding exactly like Jaqueline. She warned me about it...about being a witch.

"I don't want too. And I won't," I promised Nana. I had nothing to do with whether I was a witch or not. I didn't care at all. I wanted to be a human, and I couldn't be a witch unless or until I practiced witchcraft.

"That's good. You should stay safe for as long as you don't." Nana sighed before smiling at me.

"Should I be concerned about anything else? Do I have some power I am not aware of, Nana?" I asked.

"Your power can only take place if you practice witchcraft, otherwise, you'll be a normal human." She replied.

I tried to force my confused emotions into order. It was a must to keep this all a secret from Luciano and every other werewolf in town. They simply couldn't know.

"I'm sorry for hiding this. I know I shouldn't have, but I saw your fate, it wasn't with a creature." Nana mumbled under her breath while shaking her head in denial. She saw me with a human, not with the king of alphas.

"Then how did I get mated to Luciano?" I asked.

She shrugged in response, "That question keeps me awake all the time."

"Nana, don't be worried about me. You'll get sick again," I said with concern.

"Don't worry about my sickness, Red. It comes and goes. I'll be fine." She touched my face and caressed my skin. Every inch of me missed her, and all I wanted to do was end this and stay with Nana for the rest of my life. But knowing that someone was waiting outside of me, I couldn't.

"Promise me you'll be safe," I whispered before narrowing my head down to her chest.

"I'm safe,"

"Then it's going to be okay. I will take care of everything else." I spoke like a big girl who knew everything, but the reality was, I had no idea who I was.

"Red, you're the queen now, you don't have to take care of anything except for yourself. Don't bring out the witch inside you as that will destroy your life." It seemed like Nana didn't like witches.

There were times I read about witches and covens in the far east of Pennsylvania. They never came out from the shadows as they were creatures hunting them down. Witches were a powerful form of creatures. They could do anything at any time. I had no intention to practice witchcraft or be a witch.

"I won't. I promise that." My voice broke slightly as I closed my eyes and embraced Nana for the last time. The journey back to the castle was long, and I couldn't keep Luciano and Ben waiting. "I should go now. I have a training class with the former queen." I laughed while picking up my jacket.

"Isn't she a witch as well?" Nana stood up.

"Yes, but don't worry, she promised not to tell anyone, and I believe her."I made sure to comfort Nana with my thoughts as I didn't want her to worry after I walked out of this house.

"That's good. Let's hope she keeps it that way. I'll visit you on the day of the coronation," she walked me out to the door that was only five feet apart from the couch.

"Only if you're well, Nana, don't stress yourself out." I hugged her one last time. Her sweet scent reached up to my nostrils, and I sighed in relief. Having my grandma by my side was the best thing. I couldn't bear to lose her.

"Of course! Call me if you can and eat well, it seems like you have lost a lot of weight." She touched my shoulders and looked down.

It was indeed the truth. The truth I couldn't tell Nana. After having sex with Luciano, I did lose weight as I couldn't eat properly. The restrictions in the castle were a little too hard.

"I will," I looked up and smiled at her.

Nana kissed my forehead before opening the wooden door of the house. I shoved my hands inside my pocket and glanced back. Watching her smile have me a relief.

"Goodbye, Red." She waved her tender arms in my direction.

"I love you, Nana," I said before walking away.

The car started with a thud as Ben drove us out of the town. I stayed silent during the ride as I had nothing to say. I was keeping a lot of secrets from Luciano, and I wondered what his reaction would be if he ever found out I was a witch. Couldn't he smell one? I was pulled out of my thoughts when I found out that we were going towards the castle.

Ben stopped the car in the middle of the forest. The long treacherous trees looked down at me dangerously. I glanced back at Luciano who was ready to leave the car and walk in the forest.

What were they doing here? Are they going to sacrifice me or something?

The sun was at its golden state. It peeked through the thick clouds that hung in the sky. The faint shadow of the moon appearing could be seen from a distance.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as Ben and Luciano hopped out.

As soon as I came out of the car, the mud dug into my thick boots, and a gentle breeze crossed my path. There was a puddle of water lying above the mud, indicating that it had rained a few hours ago. We weren't far away from my town. Nana's house was only a few km away from where I was standing.

"I am going to show you my wolf," Luciano snapped underneath the golden rays of sunlight.

Early update as promised.

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Also, book 2 coming out soon!

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