Chapter : 14

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"Your face would look better in between my legs,"

Chapter : 14


"Good afternoon, Red, have a seat." The former Alpha and the father of Luciano said as he waved his hand at a seat. I straightened my dress before sitting down in front of him.

"I have been informed about the recent mishap between you and our beta, Derrick. Is that the truth?" he asked.

The monster's name was Derrick.

"Yes, he attacked my friend and then me, I wouldn't call a mishap, sir," I replied.

"Attacking is usual for creatures like us, we survive on blood and meat of others. You cannot interfere between a couple regardless of whether you know them or not. You don't have that right yet." The old man as he rocked on his chair.

"Yet?" I drew my eyebrows up.

"Yes, you can have that right only after the coronation, and only after Luciano sets his claim on you."

"Coronation? Of what?" Was I missing something? Luciano never mentioned a coronation. I did know about the claim of a werewolf on his mate, but that was all. 

"The coronation is when my crown is passed to my son and his mate. This will set you as a queen of the Blackmaw Manes and rest of the wolves." He further continued to explain. As he continued, I got more confused.

"Blackmaw Manes, what is that?"

"This pack, our pack, is an ancient lineage, one of the strongest ones in the world!" he stated. "I am assuming Luciano didn't explain,"

All he did was dip his head down to legs.


"Well, ask him."

"How am I supposed to be a queen of wolves when I am merely a human? Doesn't that disqualify me?" I asked.

"No Red. An Alpha's mate is destined, and it cannot be changed. A female Alpha can be anyone, any creature or human. You are paired with Luciano for a reason." He explained.

"And what's that?" I trailed off.

The old man shrugged, "I am not aware of the reason, but it shall be shown soon,"

I nodded my head as I tried my best to take in the information the old man churned out.

"So, when I am queen, I can do whatever I want to?" I asked. "No one can stop me?" My intentions quickly turned black and wicked. 

"Yes, you have the right to do anything. The only person who can stop you is your mate, Luciano. You are supposed to obey his commands." The old man said before taking a deep breath. "Under the current law set by the wolf board, you're supposed to be claimed by the Alpha within a week, and from there, you'll be shaped in a queen."

"But he's going to claim me until he is satisfied with teasing me..." I blurted out. I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth as I just went through my words. This wasn't the right time to spill details about my life with Luciano to his father.

"Lure him, force him. Male Alpha's cannot stand their mate unmarked; I am not sure how Luciano is keeping up with it." He said.

"I will try," I smiled at the man before getting.

"Red," he called out my name as I went towards the door. I stopped and turned around. "I am expecting something good from you and Luciano as the future king and queen. Do not disappoint me,"

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