Chapter : 17

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"Take off your clothes, we need to talk..."

Chapter : 17


"Lisa," I whispered as I ran towards the door. Her limply body crashed against mines as she hugged me tightly. I welcomed her inside my bedroom and asked Valarie to leave. Once the door was closed, I moved towards the bed where Lisa laid down.

I sat beside her and pressed my hand on hers. "How are you?" I asked.

Terror and sadness flickered in her beautiful eyes as she looked at me. The silence lengthened between us, making me worried and uncomfortable.

"Tell me. It's okay. He is not here to harm you," I whispered to her while my fingers caressed her skin.

"Everything is fucked...he's so horrible that I can't even explain." She groaned while rubbing her red eyes.

"I heard Derrick had anger issues," I trailed off.

She shook her head and laughed, "He doesn't have anger issues. He's just a wild fucking beast that shows his power to anyone who is weaker than him!" Rage flashed through her issues as she blurted out the truth.

With defeat, she put her face in her hands and wept for the next several minutes.

"I promise you it will get better," I said.

"It can't. Under the commands of the Alpha, he has stopped hitting me, but he won't stop with his vile words and actions." She cried while her head rested on my lips.

I looked away as I realized what she said. Luciano helped her. He asked Derrick not to hit her, and he stopped? I didn't know any of that. Why didn't he tell me?

"I can ask Luciano to take away position, that will reduce his pride to the most," I said with hesitation.

Lisa shook her head, "The Alpha can't take away Derrick's position. He has the power but not the will. Derrick has been a member of this pack for over a decade and a Beta for over five years. He has saved a lot of people. The council will never agree, and neither will your mate," she explained.

Ben told me about his position. Only Vincent, the former alpha, and Luciano could take away his position, no one else.

It angered me when I thought about Derrick. How could he possibly hit a woman? A woman he is supposed to love...

"I will do something, Lisa, just hold on, give me some time." I comforted her with my words.

"Really?" she asked.

I nodded my head, "I need to be claimed before I can do something."

"Why haven't the Alpha claimed you yet?" she furrowed her eyebrows and asked while stroking hair away from my neck.

"I don't know,"

Lisa got up and sat on the bed. "Red, if the Alpha doesn't claim you within a week, then you will have issues."

"What issues?"

"You're in heat, right?" she asked, and I nodded my head. "Well, after a week, the heat grows stronger, and wolves around you will be lured into claiming you. I don't understand, why hasn't he claimed you yet?" she shook her head and thought.

"I asked him too, but he said that he's teasing me and waiting for me to beg, if that makes any sense." I sighed as my back rested against the headboard.

"You have to say him to claim you, the quicker, the better it is." She stated.

Luciano was challenging me, and I wasn't sure whether I could hold this heat off anymore.

"I don't want to give in and sin, Lisa."

"Come on, Red. We are living in a town filled with creatures, with monsters. There is no sinning here. Go throw on a night dress or something that turns him on. Force him to claim you," she suggested.

Dressing up for someone who I wasn't married too? Not a marvelous idea.

"I don't have any 'nightdresses,'" I said.

"Ask that woman who was here. She will get you some,"

She was talking about Valarie.

"Why do you think he wouldn't claim me?" I asked.

"Two reasons, one of them being that he is no ready to become a king because as soon as he claims you, there will be coronation where the former king will give his crown. Duties will be passed on. Second, is that he has an affair with someone else, and he's waiting for you to be claimed by another wolf so he can reject you." Lisa explained.

A sickening feeling rose up in my throat as I understood her words and what they meant. Did Luciano have an affair with someone else? Was he waiting for someone? Is this the reason why he doesn't want to claim me? For a moment, I believed I would be relieved if Luciano rejected me. I could go back to my Nana and live the life I was living, but then I realized, I could only be rejected if another creature claims me.

I didn't want to be with anyone else except for Luciano. He started a fire in me, and it wasn't going to settle down until he claims me.

Which was going to happen tonight.


Lisa went away quickly as her mate, Beta Derrick, was going to return to his chambers, and she needed to be there. We spoke a lot about our beloved times and the fun we had in Whitebridge together. Watching her life made me smile.

"Ms. Red, if you're hungry, I can get you dinner. The Alpha will not return until a few hours more," Valarie said as she entered in my room.

I closed the book I was reading and went to her. It had already been so many hours, and Luciano wasn't back yet. What was this meeting about?

"Yes, please, I am starving." I groaned before pressing my hand against my stomach. The last time I ate was when Luciano cooked for me.

It was the middle of the night now. The castle was deadly silent, and the town lights were switched off. The clock had struck 12, and the howling of wolves began soon after that. And he hadn't returned yet.

"Oh, Valarie!" I called out her name as she headed out.

"Yes, Ms. Red?"

I licked my lips and took a deep breath before continuing, "Do you by any chance, have a nightdress? The seductive kind of one..." It was all Lisa's advice.

Valarie smiled and nodded her head, "Of course, I do have many. We have a woman in the town who makes nightdresses, so I quickly go to her and get one if you want?"

"That would be great!" I exclaimed. "Something in red and not too explicit but sexy," I pretended not to look at Valarie as I the request I was making was quite absurd. My mouth moved but remained quiet with shame.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"Also, a couple of books that I can read, again, something sexy," I said with a grin plastered on my face.

"Of course, I will be back in twenty minutes," Valarie said. "Also, I will send someone to give you food." She added before walking away.

I tightly clutched the door handle and closed the door. My body screamed in shame as I went back to the bed. I glanced at my reflection and noticed the color that was spread all across my cheeks.

Well, I couldn't do much.

Seducing a man wasn't something I ever did. I barely spoke to anyone back at Whitebridge. I was a shy kind of woman who simply loved nature and her Nana.

But the nasty desires growing inside me couldn't be stopped anymore. And after learning everything from Lisa, I realized it would be better if Luciano claimed me tonight.

After today, I only knew how to sin.

Early update as it's my birthday! 🎉

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