Chapter : 31

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"I don't like being told what to do unless I'm naked."

Chapter : 31


Nana warmed the brownies that she got from the market while she was gone. Luciano and Ben quietly sat in front of me as I waited for her to return from the kitchen.

"Oh, Red, it feels like ages since I haven't seen you." Nana walked inside the seating room with a plate of fresh brownies and coffee by the side.

Without hesitation, I got up and took the food from her hands.

"It's just been a few weeks, Nana." I reminded before settling down beside her.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good," I replied while chewing on the brownie. The warm chocolate melted into my mouth, and I moaned at the taste.

"And how's everything else?" She glanced at Luciano, who was not in a really good mood. His eyes brows were crinkled together, and his face was turning red by every minute. I'm sure he came inside me.

"It's good," I swallowed hard and then looked at the men in front of me. "Could I have some alone time with my Nana, or are you both going to stare at me for the rest of the day?" I asked.

After a moment of silence, Luciano and Ben stood up. They walked towards the exit door inside the house.

Just before leaving, Luciano stopped and said, "I'll be outside. Come when you're done,"

"Thank you,"

A sigh came out of me as soon as the men disappeared into thin air. I watched them go inside their car through the glass windows.

"Is something wrong?" As the silence broke, I jumped out of fright when Nana placed her hand on mines.

The truth needed to be revealed. It was better now than ever. The crowning was in a few days, and I couldn't risk learning from other creatures that I was a witch.

"I know I'm a witch," I stated, still in shock as I couldn't understand how it could be hidden from me. How?


"Is it the truth?"

Nana seemed terrified. Worry spread across her fragile features as she looked at me, surprised. Her lips barely move as she responded with a yes.

For a small moment, I thought Jacqueline was joking with me as Luciano mentioned the kind of comedian she was. However, she was right.

I was a witch.

"I'm not mad, but I need to know why? How? Why didn't you ever tell me? What happened with papa and mama? Who am I?" I panicked a little bit.

"Our family is a long parade of disastrous creatures, Red. We aren't humans," she whispered while looking down.

Wait. What?

There was a faint thread of grief in her voice as she spoke, "...I come from a family of wolves."

A gasp choked me as I heard the word wolves. My Nana couldn't be one of them. She just couldn't be a creature. We despised creatures all our lives. We both hated them for their morals and way of living. We believed they were cursed by God. My mind refused to register her words.

"Red." She clutched on my hand tightly. "Listen to me before you come into a conclusion," she whispered. If she was a wolf then what was I? Was I a werewolf too?

I licked my lips and nodded my head, allowing Nana to continue with telling the truth. I wasn't depressed that she was a creature. I was more sad knowing that she hid this all from me. Was she ever going to tell me?

"I never thought I would need to say this all to you. I really never thought," she shook her head repeatedly. "I saw your future, and it was destined with a human, so I never cared about letting you know what you were."

"Am I a witch?" I asked again, this time in a thicker tone.

"Yes, but not entirely. Your father, my son, was a werewolf, and he fell in love with your mother, who was a witch." I took a moment to catch my breath. "I was a lone-wolf, and so was your father. We stayed away from packs and wolves entirely and lived our little life. Your mother, Margie, was able to cover our natural scent, so the world was never aware of us. We were nothing other than humans." She continued to explain each and everything carefully. Confused assailed me with every word and every truth she spilled.

"So, I'm a hybrid then?" I raised my eyebrow as I came to one conclusion. Two creatures breed hybrids, and if Nana was telling the truth, then I had a wolf inside me.

Just thinking about it, terrified me. I was scared of creatures all my life, and I tried my best never to cross their paths, and here I was today, a creature myself.

"No, you're a witch. Margie was able to undo the wolf that came from your father, but she wasn't able to invalidate the witch genes. However, you can't be called a witch unless you practice witchcraft." Nana explained. It must've been tough for her hiding this all from me and then losing the only family she had.

"What happened to papa and mama?" I asked the question I was unable to ask all this time.

"The wolves...they attacked them one night while they were on their way back here. The bodies didn't return until a few weeks. I was never able to find out who it was. A small funeral was hosted for them, and then I stayed in the shadows until now." Her fingers trembled with fear as she spoke.

"Who knows now?"

"Your mate. The Alpha King. He is aware of what I am. He knows I'm a lone wolf. The kings have the power to smell creatures like us."

I quickly cocked my head towards the window. The car didn't move. It was settled in front of my house. Luciano and Ben were busy on their phones. They didn't even bother glancing in my direction. My eyes widened with fear as I realized.

Nana could be in danger.


I'm really sorry that I have to end every single chapter with a cliffhanger, it's just my writing style and something I have been doing for four years now. Don't be angry pls! <3

I will be updating another chapter this week so stay tuned! The book is officially finished in Patreon now;

And, if you haven't started reading my new book, the alpha's desire then you should. It's a little more explicit and kinky ;) 18+ Found on my profile here or on my patreon.

Stay safe <3

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