Chapter : 09

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"Grab my hair and fuck me like you hate me,"

Chapter : 09


The morning arrived quicker than I expected. The ray of sunshine peeled through the glass windows as I woke up. I looked at my surroundings and got a more unobstructed view of the bedroom I was in. The wall, the glass ceiling, the design, the bed itself, and the furniture was breathtaking. I barely covered any space in the bed, but the creature did.

The creature was lying beside me, snoring loudly. He had his hand over his eyes, blocking any sunlight or distraction. I slowly pulled the duvet off my body and went inside the washroom nearby.

I wanted to get rid of the cloth I was wearing, but I had nothing else with me. My clothes, my things, and my Nana was all gone. It was history now. A bead of tear slid down my cheeks, and I quickly wiped it away.

A lot of girls were taken last night, including Lisa, so I had a bright chance to meet her, if the creature allowed me to. I knew a lot of young girls in my town as I studied with them, but that was all. The only one I spoke to was Lisa, and I silently hoped she was around.

"Red!" The creature exclaimed. Oh no, the devil was up. I quickly stopped the water and rushed outside the washroom.

"What were you doing?" He asked as he sat on the bed.

"I was just doing," I didn't know what to say to him exactly.

"Were you touching yourself?" The creature inquired as he raised his eyebrow at me. His eyes trailed down my stomach and then my bare legs.

"No! Of course not," I stated. I wouldn't ever dare to touch myself as it was a sin. I had already sinned enough for one night.

"Come here," he patted on the bed.

Biting my lips, I walked over to him as the unusual excitement rose in my stomach once again. Why? Why was I feeling tingly around him? I wanted it to stop, but I didn't know how to. I was under the control of the creature.

Smile of satisfaction spread across his lips as he touched my face. His touch only made matters worse.

"Have you stopped crying?" He asked.

"Yeah," I narrowed down my eyes and responded. I did stop crying, but the hollow in my heart couldn't be filled. After all, I was just ripped away from my entire world and shoved inside another world.

"Do you miss that old woman?" He asked.

I nodded. "I miss her,"

His fingertips traced down my cheeks and onto my hair. He pushed it aside and touched my neck. "I'm going to claim you soon," he said. "You know what that means?"

I shook my head.

"You'll be my other half, my queen, my luna," he said with a grim determination.

A creatures another half? Was that even possible? I found myself wandering my lone thoughts once again.

"What if I don't want to be?" I questioned as I boldly met his glare.

The creature had a beautiful pair of eyes, they did turn red sometimes, but his natural color was light brown, a honey kind of shade.

"You have no option,"

"What do I even have an option in?" I asked.

He smiled and leaned closer, "You can only make decisions in bed, princess, nowhere else." He stated.

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