Chapter : 13

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"I licked it, so it's mine,"

Chapter : 13


The sound of defeat lingered for the rest of the day. It echoed in my ears as I submitted myself to the creature after a couple of his luring words. I had no other option but to obey him. The terror and fear of him gripped me from all sides, all the time. There was no chance that I could see him normally after what all went down at the castle.

The ride back to the house was silent. Luciano's warm presence was beside me. His hand rested underneath his chin as he looked out of the window. My eyes wept and my heart filled with grief for Lisa. Her survival chances were low. Her mate was dangerous and deadly — he could kill her.

Negative emotions conquered my thoughts as I flinched out of the fear of the unseen future. The creature immediately glanced at my direction. I felt his eyes burn through my body.

I licked my lips and tried to control my urges as he placed his hand over my mine. The energy spread through his fingers and then shifted towards me.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered. His words drugged me into submission, or else I wouldn't have ever agreed to whatever he said earlier.

The darkness cannot leave him.

The car stopped at the house, and I walked out. Valarie stayed back at the castle just as Luciano requested her too. I begged him not to tell her anything, but I expected different. He had no control over his raging anger, and expecting anything good would be dumb of me.

"Do you want to eat something?" Luciano asked as he welcomed me inside the house.

My fingers tightened with each other as I nodded my head. My fragile stomach growled for food even though I had eaten a few hours earlier.

Luciano went inside the kitchen and began preparing something for me. I hoped it was poison.

I sat on the long stool beside the kitchen counter and studied other things around me. I couldn't bear to look at him. The weight of disappointment was still settled on my shoulders, and accepting everything was okay was not in my diary today.

"Can I ask you something?" The silence bore me.

"Yes," he replied while focusing on cooking. His back was turned towards me. His muscles ripped through the shirt, and I quickly looked away before the sinful thoughts could wrap me in its wicked self.

"Can Lisa runaway?" It was a straight-forward question. I wanted Luciano to be aware of my intentions. I was going to release Lisa from that evil man, no matter what it took.

He turned around at me. A surprised look spread across his face as he raised an eyebrow. "I'm assuming you want to do that for your friend?"

"Yes, she's not safe."

"She's with her mate,"

"That doesn't mean she is safe," I argued while raising my voice.

Luciano didn't respond after that. The silence wrapped around the kitchen as I turned away from him.

"You need to stop worrying about her and start worrying about yourself. Don't lose yourself in order to save her," he placed a plate of warm meat in front of me and then offered me wine.

Well, something looked delicious.

"I'm going to worry about her, she's my friend, and you should start too because if she gets hurt, so do I!" I exclaimed before picking up the fork and knife from the table.

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