Chapter : 07

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"I swear to you I won't stop until your legs are shaking,"

Chapter : 07


The continuous beats of drums, the chatters, the screaming and the howling of people echoed in my ears as my eyes opened. A groan slipped my lips as I tried my head ached. The memories of last night returned back to me and I shuddered in fear. A gasp choked out of my throat as I found myself laying on the creature's lap. My heartbeat quickened and I immediately jolted up.

"I was enjoying that," he smiled as he looked into my direction. How did I sleep on his lap? I clearly remembered sleeping by the window.

The various noises pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked outside the window of the car. It was dark – middle of the night from what it seemed but we weren't in the dark. The area the car stepped in was crowded with people. There were a hundred of them ranging from all ages, young girls, women, men, boys and even babies. As I focused on the chatter and the screaming, the words got clearer.

"The Alpha has gotten his mate,"

"All hail the prince!"

"We have gotten a queen!"

I quickly turned my attention from the chattering as it didn't made sense. What was happening? What was this all? The Alpha?

The vehicle drove towards a castle. I gasped as I saw a real one. It was the same one I had been seeing from my bedroom window since I was a young girl. I thought nobody lived in it and it was abandoned or something. At this time, living in a castle was medieval and I didn't think monarchy existed. However, the castle was bigger than I expected, and it looked more beautiful.

The car stopped outside the entrance of the castle which was guarded by two young men. The driver got off the car and came to my direction. He opened the passenger door and I stepped out. From the other side, the creature got out. The gates behind us were sealed down and the chanting and the screaming continued.

The creature whose named I still didn't know came to my direction and placed his hand on my back. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Behave yourself in front of my father,"

The hair on the back of my neck rose as his lips brushed against my skin. I flinched and then he began walking inside the castle.

The door swung open and we were invited inside. The castle was quite empty, the interior was Victorian, but it was wearing off. There were only a few men inside the castle and most of them were guards.

These were his men?

The confusion stretched like a shadow in the alley of my mind. I couldn't understand anything. I was puzzled and more than a little nervous.

The creature took me towards a hall – a very large one. I found another pair of guards surrounded around a man. The old man was seated on an ancient wooden chair. He had a crown on his head and a crow on his shoulder. My heart thumped a beat as the crow looked into my direction.

"Father, this is my mate, Red." The creature said.

So, they did have parents.

"A human?" I felt my self shrinking under his icy glare.

"That's not sure yet," The creature replied as he looked into my direction.

What wasn't sure? My humanity. I was a human and I was sure of that. I would die than be a creature like them.

"You know the rules, Luciano. Have a lady physician check her. You have my blessings either way," The old man said he got up.

"Of course," The creature said. I was finally able to get his name.

Luciano. It sounded Italian.

"Will you be staying here for the night or back at your house?" the old man asked as he approached the creature.

"Probably here, there is too much crowd outside, and I don't have the energy to deal with it right now." Luciano said.

People lived in this castle. I thought to myself as I looked around. My eyes wandered up to the ceiling. The painting at the roof was beautiful but yet terrifying. There was a black wolf chasing another one. Saliva and blood dripped from his razor-sharp teeth. A shiver ran down my spine and I immediately looked away.

The creatures were wolves.

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow morning." The old man said before returning to his chambers with his group of guards. His raven crow flew with him.

"What's an Alpha?" I asked the creature.

He turned around and replied, "The leader of a pack of wolves,"

"And what are you?" I asked, hoping for a completely different answer.

"The next leader of Alpha's,"

My blood ran cold as fear twisted in my gut upon hearing his response. He wasn't just a leader of a pack of wolves, he was going to be the leader of the creatures entirely.

"And what am I?" I asked dumbfoundedly.

His arm circled around my waist as he tugged me closer to him, "You are my mate,"

"And what do I have to do?" I asked as my eyebrows strained with confusion.

How could I be paired with an Alpha? With a man so strong? With a man who had such a great authority. It made absolutely no sense. I had no idea about creatures. Whatever information I had was from the books in the local library back in Whitebridge and the teachings of my Nana. I never saw a creature in his form and neither did I ever speak to one until now.

The creature glided his deft fingers underneath my chin and made me look up to him. Every muscle in my body tensed with expectation. My breath hitched as my gaze met his, once again.

"All you have to do is spread your legs for me so I can invade your precious flower and ravish whatever has been bestowed upon me."

I melted then and there.

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