Chapter : 22

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"Your clothes would look nice on my bedroom floor,"

Chapter : 22


The throbbing sensation in my body didn't disappear even after sleeping for a full day. I woke up with an aching abdomen and sheets filled with blood, my blood. I gasped in surprise when I found Luciano sleeping beside me. At least he was wearing his pants. For a thin moment, I couldn't look away from him. My thoughts were all wrapped around him. I had love for him. A feeling kept me closer to him.

It took me a second to realize that I had been claimed. Luciano claimed me. A lot of things felt different – most of all, my body felt different. A new spark of hope and love rushed over my veins as I glanced away from Luciano.

The satin sheets underneath me were soaked in blood. My fingers reached out to my neck, and I whimpered as I felt a thick substance run down my throat. The bite was aching, but it wasn't too intense as compared to last night. He wasn't gentle at all.

"Wake up," I thrashed my hands over him while covering my body with a duvet. How could he sleep so peacefully after putting me in pain?

"Wake up," I repeated before kicking him with my leg since he wasn't bothered by my hands.

"What?" he growled before turning to the other side.

"I am in pain," I sobbed.

Luciano turned around immediately and shot me a penetrating look. "What happened?" he asked.

"I don't know. It's hurting. My body is in pain," I scrambled towards him, wanting to feel him touch me once again.

An exciting chill ran down my spine as Luciano placed his hand on my thigh with worry, "I told you, it's going to hurt for a couple of days, but wait, I will get something to ease the pain."

An expression of satisfaction appeared in his eyes as he watched me flinch with pain. This was his plan all along. He punished me for what I did yesterday evening.

"Okay," I replied with a frightened voice.

Luciano got off the bed, grabbed a shirt from the wooden closet, and then walked out of the room. I pulled the duvet closer to my body and gathered myself. Lost in my thoughts, my eyes wandered around the room. There was something different in me.

A new promising life.

When I got the chance, I glanced at the mirror and looked at myself for a moment. My neck was terribly bruised, but it wasn't too bad compared to what Lisa had. Apart from the bite itself, I had numerous other marks tracing down my chest, stomach, and thighs. He had marked every inch of my flesh. There wasn't a single area where his mouth or his hands hadn't claimed yet.

Slightly moving around, I dropped the duvet off my chest and looked at the claw marks then went all the way down to my back. These were the ones that were aching the most. The flesh on my back was red and severely wounded.

Suddenly, the door opened, and I grabbed my duvet before anyone could see me.

"You don't have to hide anything from me, princess," Luciano said as he walked inside the room with medicine in his hands. He closed the door behind him and approached me.

I gulped the raw bile in my throat and said, "I am not hiding,"

"Really?" he glanced down at my breasts, which were entirely covered in the duvet I was holding.

"I just look bad..." I trailed off.

The bed creaked as Luciano said beside me, he grabbed the glass of water from the table and gave it to me. His fingers brushed the hair gently off my face.

"You don't look bad at all," he whispered to me before handing over a pill. "And take this, you will feel better," he added.

I nodded my head and nervously swallowed down the pill. After drinking the water, I placed the glass back on its place. Luciano pulled me to his side by grabbing my waist. He pushed away the hair from my face and looked down at me. The monster in his eyes seemed to be in peace finally. My thundering heartbeat calmed down as his rough fingers caressed my skin.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"You said you'd be gentle,"

"I didn't mean it,"

I frowned at his response, and he continued, "Well, next time you try to kiss or mingle with other men, there will be worse consequences."

"I am sorry for that. I didn't know what happened. I really didn't mean to do it." I quickly said.

"I know what goes through you small yet mischievous mind, princess, don't worry, I am not least not anymore." He replied with a grin.

"What happens now?" I asked. "You have claimed me...right?"

Luciano took a deep breath before answering my question, "Yes, I have. You did a nice job tricking me, Red."

I furrowed my eyebrows together at his response. How did I trick him? I don't remember playing any tricks. The only time I tried to trick him was wearing the nightdress, but that clearly didn't work out.

"Oh..." A smile formed on my lips as I understood what he meant.

Kissing the other guard and making him feel jealous. That was the trick.

"I am so smart," I fluttered my lashes together.

"Don't be so delighted. I will rip apart that pride inside you," he threatened while wrapping his hand around my throat. I flinched as I felt a rush of pain go through my body.

"It hurts," I whispered as I peeled his hand away from the mark. "How long is it going to hurt for?" I asked.

"Just a few days," he replied.

"And then?"

"Then you will be my woman,"

The heat was long-gone, it disappeared as soon as Luciano rammed into me, however, it was replaced with another emotion. Love.

"What if I get pregnant?" I blurted out with curiosity. He didn't use any protection, and he came inside me. It could defiantly get me pregnant.

"You won't,"

"Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows and asked. He was so sure that I wouldn't get pregnant.

"Because you're human. Humans cannot breed a wolf's child," he replied.

My mind whirled at his dry response, and I lowered my gaze in confusion. The reality then hit me, and it finally made sense. Everything made sense. I couldn't bear his child; therefore, he didn't want to claim me knowing that I couldn't take his family name ahead.

"Is that the reason why you wanted to wait?" I asked in a low, frightened voice. A tumble of confused thoughts assailed me as I waited for his response.

Luciano instantly became wide awake, "No, no, of course not." He stated.

"So, it doesn't bother you...that I can't–"

"No, it doesn't, Red. I don't care." He cupped my face and leaned closer. "I only want you, fuck, I already have you, so let's not worry about anything. You're mine, and that's the end of the fucking story."

There was a panic in his tone like he was hiding something from me.

I glanced up and nodded my head, agreeing to whatever he said. He desired me, and that was enough for me to continue.

"Let's get you cleaned up, we have a long day ahead of us," he mumbled before pressing his lips against my swollen ones.

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