Chapter : 26

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"I love the way you explore my body,"

Chapter : 26


I swallowed hard as the woman's voice made its way to my ear. Her glowing eyes resembled Luciano's. Her hair was bright golden, similar to mines, but mines were more of a mixture of blood and honey.

I opened my mouth to say something, but in front of her, I was unable to utter a word. I had no idea what to say. I was frightened.

"Mother, don't scare her." Luciano stepped in and said. His mother stepped back as a wicked smile formed on her lips. "She just came here," he continued before taking a quick look at me. I nervously shuffled around and stepped away from the family.

Something was off...terribly off. I sensed wrong. The kind of wrong anyone would be terrified with. The feeling growing inside my stomach was gnawing me to find the truth, to find what was wrong.

"Oh, Luciano." She slapped her son's shoulder and laughed. "I wasn't terrifying her. I was just trying to make a conversation,"

"She doesn't talk much," He stood up for me.

Jaqueline eyed me from the top to the bottom. After studying, she returned her attention back to Luciano. "Is that a child?" she asked him.

"No, she's eighteen." I was a child a few months ago, but not anymore.

"So young..." the woman trailed off before circling around me. Her presence weakened me, and underneath her eyes, I felt my self shrinking. My thoughts and assumptions were dull and disquieting. "And a human,"

"See, you're terrifying her again." Luciano approached and grabbed my arm.

"Alright, alright, I will stop!" she exclaimed before throwing her hands in the air.

The creatures inside the room resumed to whatever they were doing. Jaqueline left me alone and spoke with Luciano's father, Vincent, and other creatures. She didn't disturb me again, but her presence terrified me more than I expected.

"What's wrong?" Luciano asked as he sat down beside me. "You don't like her?" He spoke quietly to make sure his mother wouldn't hear us speaking ill about her.

My hand was clutched tight on my stomach, and a sickening feeling rose inside me; however, I hid it away from Luciano.

"No, it's not her. I just don't feel well, I am sorry, can I go back to my room?" I asked.

His forehead creased with confusion. He settled aside his glass of wine and touched me. "Is there something troubling you?"

"No, no," I grabbed his hand while shaking my head in denial. "Please, I need to go back to my room. I just don't feel okay."

Luciano looked around the room. Once he felt like it was the right time, he got up and took me outside. The silence spread between us as he took me to our room. The churning feeling in my stomach died as soon as I was away from the creatures. And immediately, I felt a lot better.

"Well, now there is no one here." Luciano closed the door behind me and turned around. "Can you tell me what's worrying you? If it's my mother then it's okay. She jokes...a lot. You don't have to be scared of her." He cupped my face and spoke with honesty.

"What is she?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what creature is she?" I asked.

"Oh, she's hybrid. Her ancestors practiced witchcraft while they were known as werewolves. And my mother also practices witchcraft." He explained casually, like being a witch was nothing wicked.

My thoughts scattered upon hearing that Jaqueline was a witch and a werewolf. No wonder her appearance tightened my throat.

"Red," Luciano called out my name as he found me lost in my confusing thoughts. "What's wrong? Are you scared that she might do some little magic on you?" he joked, turning this in all into sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "No, I just thought maybe you–"

"Maybe if I was a wizard? No, I get my strength and my wolf from my father, so I am not a wizard. If I were, I would've already crafted a spell for you so you can get on your knees for me, at all times." He whispered before drawing his bony fingers against my cheeks.

Shameful red spread across my cheeks as I understand what he meant by getting on knees.

"You wouldn't need a spell for that..." I narrowed my eyes down in embarrassment. He really wouldn't.

"Oh, really?" Before we could further continue with our conversation, he kissed me on my lips which ignited a flame inside me. The kiss made my toes curl in excitement. I didn't wait a second before giving in and pulling onto his face harder.

His tongue slipped inside my mouth, and my nipples hardened with the heat raging inside my body. His finger slipped into my locks, and our bodies began to tangle with each other.

With a trust, he slammed me against the dressing table. The wooden edge of it clawed into my back before Luciano picked me up and settled me above it. His hands traveled down my thighs, and he pushed away the dress, bringing it up to my stomach until I was all naked from beneath.

"Oh, princess, look what have you done to me." The beast inside him growled as his hardness grew between my legs. The depths of his nails clawed against my thighs, and soon, the underwear that covered my sensitive parts came off like it was supposed to.

"Wait, you aren't going to take me right right here?" I pulled away from the kiss and asked. Blood pounded inside my ears as my breathing quickened with desire.

"Oh, I will fuck you everywhere in this castle. Every single fucking place."

Luciano loosened his belt, and the hardness between his legs sprung out. I gasped in surprise as I watched it grow. My legs parted, and he pulled me towards himself before burying his head in my neck.

I bit my lips to contain all the moans and screams. Everyone was literally outside the room. His parents were waiting for him. A lot of people were waiting for Luciano, and he was right here, with me, slipping his cock inside my warmth over a wooden dressing table which showed no mercy in reflecting my nudity.

My stomach twisted in nervous knots as the tip of cock entered me. He slowly kissed my neck and bit into my skin. His hands were everywhere around my body, clawing, and marking my forbidden flesh.

"Beg me to love you. Say you fucking want it,"

"I want it, please." I cried out of immense pleasure that ripped my insides as he thrust his entire length inside me.

"Scream for me, Red. Scream while I fuck you," he asked as he continued to pound me, hard.

I felt my body giving up above the wooden table. My pussy pulsated and tingled with pleasure as I screamed his name. He thrust inside me deeper and faster before pouring his seed inside me and filling me to the core. My senses shattered as my body clenched around Luciano. And them, I came.

Every part of my body screamed his name as a soul-withering orgasm ripped through me.

After the release, our bodies collided against each other, and I took in sharp, deep breaths.

"Oh, god!"

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