Chapter : 27

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"Sometimes. I really just want to rip off your clothes,"

Chapter : 27


"Are you going to be fine alone?" Luciano asked. He had to attend the guests before they could leave the castle, and I didn't have the energy to walk out anymore. "It will be only a couple of hours and I will be back in no time," he added with a grin knowing what he would do in the midst of the night.

Defiantly not tearing clothes again.

"Yes, I will be fine. I will probably fall asleep or read something while you are gone. Don't worry about me." I replied while glancing at the bookshelf fixed to the wall inside the bedroom.

"Perfect," he turned around and stopped in front of the door. "I will be back. If you need anything, Valarie will be around." He added before exiting the room.

After releasing a deep breath, I limped back and collided on the bed with a thump. My core ached with pain; however, the fire was gone. All gone. I couldn't control myself anymore around Luciano. Even seeing him walk out of the shower clenched my insides. Everything he did build a desire in me.

It all made sense now. Nana always wanted me to be a good girl because sex was an addiction. She kept me away from men knowing that I would become too attached if I had a taste of them. And now I was. Thankfully, it was Luciano. Someone I deeply cared about. I was unsure what I felt; love or lust, but it wouldn't be long enough till I could get a clear answer.

Good girls can be naughty too...sometimes.

I shrugged the guilt off my shoulders. Sinning didn't matter to me anymore. It didn't matter to the creatures, so why should it matter to me? I was mated with someone. These desires were god gifted. I didn't ask to be aroused all the time around Luciano.

Once the footsteps of the guards and servants disappeared from the hallway outside my bedroom. I closed the door and reached under the bed to grab the phone I once used to call Nana.

A smile formed on my lips when I found it in the same place. I doubted anyone cleaned this room since I kept there. But, I needed to change the location soon, otherwise, it wouldn't be long enough till Luciano finds out that I have a phone that I am using to call Nana.

After popping some pain killers inside my mouth, I drank some water and then sat down on the bed while facing the window. It was dark outside. The clouds were crying rain, and the continuous voices of wolves howling echoed through the room.

I dialed Nana's number and waited for her to pick up. It was late, but I expected her to be awake knowing that she used to never sleep without me. I wondered how she was and how everything was back in my old town.

"Red, my darling, I was just thinking about you!" Nana picked up on the second ring and exclaimed.

My heart jumped with excitement as I heard her beautiful, strong voice. "Really? I am sorry for not calling earlier, I really didn't get time, but I am here now. How are you? Are you taking your medicines on time? How is your heart? Don't tell me you're binging on foods you're not supposed to eat." I blabbered. I wanted to pour my heart out to her, but I needed to know what was happening with her as well.

"Oh, Red, I am perfectly fine! Yes, I am taking medicine on time, and everything is perfect here. I told you, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself," she replied, sounding sure. The heavy weight of worry lifted off my chest. She didn't sound sick or tired or exhausted in any way.

"Tell me about yourself?" she asked. "I want to know everything. I have received the invitation for the crowning ceremony this weekend. Don't tell me you're going to become a queen?"

My cheeks turned red as she spoke, "Well, I am, but there is a little bit of training before I can become a queen. I haven't really thought about it much. My mind is on something else these days." It was true. There wasn't a single moment I thought about the title of the queen that I was going to get in a few days.

Luciano occupied all my thoughts. It almost seemed like he put a spell on me. My body, soul, and heart walked towards him even when I didn't want it too.

There was no denying in what I felt for that mate.

"Oh, well, I am going to be seeing you soon, so that's great news. We can talk about everything," she sounded excited, but I was worried.

"Nana, you can't travel such a great distance. Brittleburgh is literally hours away from Whitebridge!" I exclaimed.

"It's fine, Red. It's just a couple of hours. Nothing will happen. Mr. Thomas is willing to take me there for the night, so it will be alright. I don't want to miss the chance of seeing you getting crowned as the queen of alphas." she explained.

"Please, Nana, promise me that you will take care of yourself. If something happens on the journey, I will never be able to forgive myself. Only come if you are healthy and fine." I said.

"Yes, I promise that nothing will happen. Don't worry. Your Nana isn't that weak."

A thought raced through my mind. There were a few things Lisa told me earlier, and I needed to clear the air before anything else.

"Can I ask you something?" Curiosity gripped me from all sides as I questioned.

"Of course,"

"What am I?"

"What do you mean?" she quickly replied.

I swallowed hard before continuing, "I mean, a human cannot get paired to an alpha, Nana. At first, I believed it was fate, but slowly, I am doubting it. Luciano isn't just an alpha, he's the king of the alphas, and there is something behind being his mate. I want to know what I am. What happened to my parents on that night? How did they die?"

"I have already told you–"

"Please, Nana, don't lie to me. I am old now, old enough to bear the truth. I am going to become a queen in a few days. Please, tell me the truth." I begged.

"You're a witch,"

That wasn't Nana's voice, and she wasn't the one who answered my question.

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