Chapter : 28

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"There is always a wild side to an innocent face,"

Chapter : 28


My heart pounded up towards my throat, and I choked on my breath as I heard another voice, a voice that didn't belong to Nana. Before anything, I immediately closed the call and hid the phone behind me. Turning around, I found Luciano's mother, Jaqueline, standing in front of the door.


"You're a witch, Red. Shouldn't you be aware of that already?" she asked as she stepped inside my bedroom.

"I am sorry but I–"

"Your parents have hidden that from you?" she asked.

"No, my parents died when I was young. I lived with my grandmother until recently," I replied, blinking with bafflement. I wasn't a witch. No way! I couldn't be.

Aren't witches supposed to be wicked or evil or something? I was clearly none of that.

"That makes sense. Usually, Alphas get mated to creatures that are stronger than werewolves. I was surprised as well when I found out that Vincent was my mate, that was a hundred years ago." She laughed while shaking her head.

100 years? She didn't even look a day older than 40.

"I...I don't understand. I am a human, not a witch." I was in disbelief. I took a moment to catch my breath. It couldn't be true.

"You are, Red. Only a witch can smell another witch. Although, you seem like a very...weak one." She stated as her eyes trailed down my body.

Mixed feelings surged through me as she spoke. There was an unusual reason why I felt strange around her when she first stepped inside the castle. I wasn't scared of her being Luciano's mother or anything along those lines. Her presence simply weakened me, and if it was the truth, it made sense.

I lowered my gaze in confusion as reality struck me. There was no way I could be a witch. Nana must have known.

"How do you know? Why should I trust you? How do I know that I am a witch? I don't know how to do magic, and I never learned any of that back in my home." I explained.

"You don't need to practice witchcraft in order to be a witch. You come from a family of witches. Was your mother a one too?"

"No!" Denial was evident in my tone. "No...I don't know." I calmed down. There was no reason to argue or be confused. However, my mind refused to register that I was a witch.

"Well, I believe your family kept a secret then. Witches usually get paired to alphas; it is pretty common. I doubt Luciano..." she scoffed before continuing. "I doubt anyone in this castle knows what you are,"

No one did.

"Please, don't tell anyone. I don't know. I had no idea. I have to talk to my Nana." I begged.

"I won't. Quite surprised though, I didn't expect history to repeat."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I fiddled around, still confused.

"Well, I was mated to a to a king hundred years ago and look now, you are mated to my son, who is the next king of the alphas." Her eyes conveyed the fury within. It seemed like she didn't want to be mated to Vincent.

"Is it bad?"

Jaqueline got up from the mattress. Her heels echoed as she walked towards the door. "One the thing is for sure, alphas and witches don't along, ever. Be careful. I will be around, of course, but don't tell anyone that you're a witch until you can learn to protect yourself."

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