Chapter : 19

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"Be naked when I come home,"

Chapter : 19

I excused myself from the breakfast as soon as I saw Charlotte speak with Luciano with such excitement and thrill that it made my blood boil. Another moment in the hall would result in someone's death, and it wouldn't mine. I was hungry, not for food, but to possess Luciano's mind and body. I wanted him to be mine.

I waited outside the hall for Luciano to step out so I could have a conversation with him about this woman who just stepped in from nowhere.

Valarie approached me and said, "Ms. Red, if you are done, I can take you back to your room."

"No, I need to speak with Luciano, but do you know who Charlotte is?" I asked as I folded my arms across my chest with insecurity and a bit of confusion. A pang of jealousy oppressed me as I took her name.

"Yes, she is the Alpha's ex-girlfriend. They have been separated for over two years now. Why do you ask?" Valarie replied.

"Ex-girlfriend?" My eyebrow screeched together. "What is she doing here?"

"She's actually has a position in the council as the strongest female in the pack. Therefore, she comes around sometimes. But don't worry, Ms. Red, Alpha, and Ms. Charlotte are nothing except for casual friends." She continued.

"And why did they separate?"

"It was rumored that she slept with another male while she was in a relationship with the Alpha, but I am not sure about it. Her title of the temporary Luna was ripped away immediately. However, Alpha Vincent requested her to join the council and stay in the pack." Valarie didn't leave a single detail.

I was surprised by all the information I received.

"So, anyone can take or give someone a title here?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow with curiosity.

"No, that right is only for the king and the queen. Once you become the queen, you can take or give titles according to your desire. However, you cannot take the title away from the elders." She explained.

"And who are the elders?"

"They are the oldest living wolves," A shudder ran down my spine as I heard the word wolves.

People began exiting the hall as soon as they were done with eating. Valarie pointed me at the elders who were a group of old men, and then I asked her to leave me alone as I needed to talk with Luciano.

When Luciano walked out of the hall, he came with a man beside him. I walked in front of him and stopped him on his tracks.

"So that woman is the reason why you haven't claimed me yet?" I questioned with courage in my tone.

Luciano whispered to the man beside him, and he walked away immediately. As soon as the area got cleared out, he grabbed my arm and took me inside another room.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"I know what happened between you and that lady. No need to lie,"

"She is not the reason why I am not claiming you," he stated.


"I told you, Red, I need some time."

"So, you can reject me and claim her, is that the reason why she was sitting beside you? Do you both still have something? I mean, if you do, then why are you keeping me here? Just send me back, and this all will over for both of us," I blurted out with honesty.

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