Chapter : 15

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"Look me in the eyes when I make you cum,"

Chapter : 15


The golden light of the sunset gleamed through the glass window of the bedroom Luciano gave to me. I sat on the edge of the bed as the bright ray of sunlight burned through me. Sitting in front of heat was a way to control my dirty desires. My insides stopped tempting me as the rest of my body burned.

"Ms. Red,"

A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I quickly turned around and saw Valarie standing by the door.


"Could I come in?" she asked.

"Of course,"

Valarie walked inside the bedroom and stood in front of me. Her eyes seemed to be betrayed. Oh no. Worry quickly spread across my body.

"Did Luciano say something to you? I didn't take your name, and I'm sorry if he did say something to you." I quickly said. I was wrong dragging Valarie into this.

While Luciano couldn't harm me, he could harm other women, and Valarie was one of them.

She placed her hand over my shoulder and replied, "Alpha didn't say anything to me, but he asked me to return back to the castle. I can't work for you anymore. I am sorry. There will be a new servant for you,"

I nodded my head as the heavy feeling of guilt got off my chest. He didn't harm her. "I understand. Thank you for whatever you did." I smiled at her and then she walked away.

Just a few months more, and I would in command. The old king's words rang in my head repeatedly. They gave a sense of satisfaction and safety. The position he was going to provide me with was a big deal, and I didn't even have to work for it.

"What are you thinking?" Luciano asked as he stepped inside the bedroom.

"Nothing," I swallowed down my evil intentions for the time being. "Just wondering about you,"

"Oh, really?"

He turned his back at me and went to his closet before getting out a shirt. It a snap of a moment, Luciano was shirtless in front of me.

"Oh..." I took a deep breath and immediately looked away as I felt myself melting underneath his rippled body. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and waited for him to dress up.

In the meantime, I rocked back and forth and glared on the blank wooden wall in front of me. With every second, my stomach clenched with a burning desire. His bare back ignited a fire inside me.

"Red," he called out of my name.

"Yes?" I hesitantly turned around and sighed out of relief when I found out that he was dressed.

"You don't have to hide,"

"I wasn't hiding..." I pressed my hands on my hips to maintain my posture. My weakling legs would have given up a long time ago.

"Yes, you were," he stated.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I watched him get ready. It wasn't even evening yet, and I watched him leave a hundred times.

"The council has asked for me, I have to go."

"So, you're going to leave me alone?" I asked. There was no one in the house. No one at all.

What was I going to do all alone? Even Valarie was gone.

"Yes, but, I will be back in a few."

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