Chapter 1

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Finally, I'm already halfway through the day and it's Friday.

I walked down the hall and into my 11:30am to 12:15pm, English Composition 1 class. It was my only class on Fridays but best believe it was still a drag. As I made my way down the aisle, it was hard to avoid the boy sitting on his desk with the three guys around him. Mainly because the second I walked in, I felt like I had been rammed in the face with his ego just by the smug look he gave me.

I passed multiple empty desks and arrived at mine. After pulling out my phone and realizing that even though I had sat in the parked in the lot for the past twenty minutes, I was still ten minutes early. I then looked around and couldn't help but notice that the few girls that were in this fairly average sized classroom had her eyes glued onto the boy with the brown hair and matching green eyes. His elbows were placed on his knees as he deeply chuckled. I rolled my eyes and wondered how people could possibly be distracted so easily.

"Kristen!" Maya exclaimed as I looked up from my phone.

"Hey," I smiled. She always had this cheerful mood that would make anyone smile, even if there was an accident on the way over to class and they were already deeply annoyed.

She dropped her bag on the floor beside her seat then plopped down. Gripping the desk, Maya scooted in and began.

"Okay, I heard that there is gonna be a huge Halloween party today and you promised you'd come to the next one so you gotta," she nodded, trying to convince me.

I don't think so. I'm not into the whole scene. I've always been the type of girl to rather spend the night watching movies or something.

I thought out loud, "Um, I don't know..."

"Oh come on. Ryan Cole will be there," she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Why would she think knowing that he was going to the party would change my mind? I simply rolled my eyes.

"What?" She shrugged, "He checks you out all the time and well ... he's hot" she smiled.

Ryan Cole. Brown hair, green eyes, star of the baseball team, rule breaker, 19 year old rich kid, and oops I forgot one... total fuckboy. I had heard so many rumors about him sleeping with a new girl every other week so he checking me out means absolutely nothing. It's not like I want it to mean anything anyways.

"Whatever," I replied.

"Let's begin class," Dr. Blake clapped his hands while leaving his desk and walking up the aisle.

"Alright. I have decided to have you all divided up into partners to complete your papers. I'll talk more about it next week." I felt my stomach drop. He began the class, "Now who knows what we took notes on last?"

"Cole!" Dr. Blake yelled from the front of the room.

"What?" Ryan answered.

"Do you mind? I am trying to teach a class here. How about you stop talking and start paying attention?" Dr. Blake said.

"Yeah okay," he just brushed it off.

After an hour of Dr. Blake's annoying pop questions, long lectures on the grammar of the English language and, of course, the note taking, class ended. Ryan seemed to have fun throughout the class since, you know, he was talking and interrupting the whole time.

"So are you coming?" Maya asked as she grabbed her bag off the floor.

After almost the half the class, I had zoned out and actually thought about the party. Last one I went to was the night of my high school graduation last May. Come to think of it, it had been five months since I saw anyone from my graduation class or went out to something even close to a party.

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