01 | The Other-Other Side

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Chapter One

"Goodbye, Mom. I know you wanted the best for me. A safe life. A life filled with love and lust...but here we are. So soon, yet so prolonged."

"Come on, Cassidy. It's time." Bonnie called out, as I rose from my mother's headstone and moped over to my friends, the three of us joining hands. "Do you think it'll hurt?"

"I don't know-" Damon began, until a bright light engulfed the three of us, sucking us into oblivion.

My last moment in the other-side will most likely forever be left on repeat in my head.

The touch of Damon Salvatore's shaky palm, and Bonnie Bennett's cold fingertips, as a blinding white hole appeared in the sky.

I wouldn't see my older sister ever again. I'd never be able to nudge Jeremy as the two of us made extremely inappropriate jokes toward Elena's scorned lover.

At least, that's what I thought.

I slowly opened just one of my eyes, scanning the area with caution until my face fell with confusion.

"Did it not work?" I muttered through my teeth, remaining skeptical.

The three of us stood in the exact same spot as when the godly light broke through the clouds to take us someplace different.

I looked down at our fingers, while Damon to jerked his away from Bonnie's, and our hands fell to our sides. "Well..that got awkward fast." he coughed.

"What happened? Where is everybody?" Bonnie questioned, fearlessly trekking out of the woods.

"Whoa- where the hell are you going?" I called after her, allowing Damon to follow behind.

As we made our way to some asphalt, I took in my surroundings.

"Well, we're still in Mystic Falls, obviously." I nodded to the familiar landmarks.

"And I'm still a vampire." Damon felt his teeth for fangs. "Either I'm a dead vampire, or Mystic Falls is no longer magic-free."

"Mystic Falls must no longer be magic-free." I quickly assumed, immediately gaining questionable looks from both Damon and Bonnie. "Well, vampires are already dead, so it had to be the latter."

"What?" Damon narrowed his eyes, pausing as Bonnie stopped in her place.

"Look." she blurted, as we traced her gaze over to the Mystic Grill.

"Yeah, I definitely blew that up an hour ago.." Damon gritted.

"Wait- where is everyone? Why don't we see any people? I mean- if we were still on the other side, we'd at least be able to see the living..Right?" I looked to Bonnie for an explanation.

The two continued scanning the town around us, searching for any other signs of actual life.

"Where the hell are we? ...And I don't mean geographically." Damon trailed off.

"I have no idea." Bonnie admitted, staring at our once-beloved town with a face of curiosity.

A few hours after we arrived in what I continuously referred to as, the other-other side, the sun rose, and the three of us began exploring the neighborhoods of Mystic Falls.

"How many more streets are we going to wander?" Damon groaned.

"How many times are you going to ask me questions I don't have the answer to?" Bonnie hissed back.

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