02 | Visions & Pancakes

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Chapter Two

It's been approximately 2 months and 3 days since we arrived in the other-other side, and we still have yet to find a way out.

Bonnie's main goal has been researching spells, rituals, chants and any sort of spiritual gathering that could offer us a ride home.

I, on the other hand, have since then acquired more sporadic pains in my head, followed by various images of both Damon and my sister.

This not only strikes a chord of confusion and irritation, but a sense of bewilderment, because of course I support my sister's relationship, I just figured these "visions" would be more informative. Thankfully, however, I do have plenty of time to figure out what's happening to me while Bonnie scavenges through old grimoires and spell-books.

"What's a seven letter word for kill me now?" she dully commented from her seat beside me at the kitchen table.

She's been working on the same crossword for months now.

I tried getting her to hand it back over, but once I realized we had a library filled with knowledge and iconic literary works, I let her have it.

"That joke got old six weeks ago." Damon smirked, flipping another pancake.

"So did your pancakes." she spat, earning an eye-roll as I remained focus on my reading.

Currently engrossed in an excerpt from a book found in the Salvatore library, my hope for an explanation as to why I was receiving visions of my sister and her on/off-boyfriend remained.

"And so did this crossword puzzle." Bonnie added. "Everyday for two months I've done this stupid thing and I still can't figure out 27 across. 'Old tongue twister, Eddie turned top 40?'"

Damon delivered two plates of pancakes to the kitchen table, causing a large childish grin to grow on my face as I shut the book and slid it away.

"And I hate pancakes!" Bonnie barked, stabbing her pancake repeatedly with her fork.

"Whoa- don't take it out on the pancakes." I sympathetically furrowed my eyebrows.

"Those pancakes, like myself and Cassidy, are waiting for you to be witchy and find a way to get us the hell out of here." Damon provoked.

"You know I've been trying!" Bonnie argued, rising from her seat.

"And failing." Damon acknowledged.

I looked up at her, then back down to her pancakes, and without hesitation, slid her plate over, dumping her pancakes onto my plate.

As I rose my fork to dig in, a faint crash from the foyer caught my attention.

My eyes widened and I looked up from my plate. "Did you guys hear that?"

"-Not only am I stuck with you, I'm stuck with the useless version of you." Damon ignored me, counting to pour his pancake batter.

I knew I heard something. I knew that it wasn't just their arguing.

It was something else.

Someone else.

"Hey, tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, I just heard something! And it wasn't the sound of you arguing in my ear!" I got up from my seat, slamming my arms on the table.

"What would you have heard, Cassidy? We're the only three people here, we were the only three people here two months ago, and we're the only three people here now!" Damon shouted.

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